Unshackled! 508

While surfing the internet, I found this little gem: "Unshackled!", a podcast which consists of ominous organ music, stiff Christain morals, and bad acting.

According to this podcast, doing housework makes you a ‘fag,’ Atheists sing derogatory songs about Jesus and philosophize all day, and all gay people aren’t actually gay and can be saved by Jesus.

Their website also says that they are broadcast around the world 6,500 times each week on over 1,550 different radio stations. So that the word of Jesus can be heard by all, it is translated into many different languages, including Arabic, so that even Zawahiri can enjoy the word of Jesus while he blows up innocent people.

So if you have some time to waste, take a listen.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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