Tsarist Russia and its empire redux 87

On February 24, 2022 – the day Russia invaded Ukraine – the Russian political philosopher Aleksandr Dugin published  an article titled It’s All About Ukraine’s Liberation. 

He believes this military operation could bring about “a total change in the entire global world order architecture”.

And Dugin’s view is Putin’s view.

Here’s an English translation of Dugin’s article:

If the whole thing were about restoring the territorial integrity of the DPR and LPR, which we recognized as independent states, it seems to me that events would have developed according to a different scenario.

I believe it’s all about the Ukraine’s liberation, and I mean of all of it. [Upon reaching this goal], we will stop.

This morning, Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] stated that any compromises and half-measures no longer work. We provided the West and Kyiv with the opportunity to speak the language of peace, we provided the West and Kyiv with the opportunity to speak the language of diplomacy. All of our proposals have been dismissed. There is no other option left, except what we are doing now.

I believe that the first stage will be the liberation of Novorossiya (not just Donetsk and Luhansk [oblasts], but Novorossiya in its historical borders). The logic of Putin’s words, ‘do you want de-communization?’ is quite clear. Lenin (and then Khrushchev) created an artificial entity ‘Ukraine.’ Ukraine has parted with this legacy of Communism, Bolshevism, Lenin, and Khrushchev, just as we did. After all, such partition cannot be unilateral. We are parting with the Ukraine created by Lenin, we are pushing de-communization to its logical limit.

I believe that the first red line is the liberation of Novorossiya, with which our operations in Odessa and Kharkov, at the north and south [of the country] as well as at left-bank Ukraine and Novorossiya, are connected. The only question left is the western Ukraine. I do not know how it will be resolved. The maps showing attacks on military facilities in Western Ukraine demonstrate our determination to go all the way in this regard.

I believe that it all will end with the unification of the Eastern Slavs in these regions, i.e., the unification of all three branches of the Eastern Slavs: Novorossians, Belarusians, and Great Russians in a single union, in a single body, which will be a part of the Eurasian Union. It seems to me that we would not have taken such extreme measures if there were not such a task. We have put too much at stake, if it [turned out] that the goal was just the liberation of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. When a show stops, the clowns are forgotten, because they disappear from the agenda.

Regarding Ukraine, I am not inclined to demonize the Ukrainian state at all, because the part of the Eastern Slavs, known as the Little Russians, has historically proven to be absolutely incapable of building a state. Whenever the Little Russians were lucky enough to get a historical chance to build a state, they failed. They do not know how to do it. I believe we should not blame them. After all they are our brothers, and it is high time for them to return to the united eastern Slavic motherland.

We ourselves, the Great Russians, are only part of this triune East Slavic people. They have failed in building their own state, thus they elect clowns, Nazis, extremism, and clowning instead of professional politicians, they orchestrate brutalities, when it is necessary to demonstrate humanity and gentleness. In other words, they do the opposite, not what state-building demands from them. So it has been for centuries.

Ukraine began to collapse back in 2014, disintegrating actively. And to elect a clown at such a time… For what reason? To amuse [themselves]? Well, he continues to do that. They belong to the world of virtual culture. Laughs, skeptical remarks in social networks do not affect or determine anything.”

One should not make fun of them: They are our brothers, so they are as brave as we are, they are part of our people. Thus, as it seems to me, one must treat them with respect, even when we are on different sides of the barricades.

We should not address them with words such as ‘surrender, dogs,’ but instead with, ‘Brothers, understand, this is not our war. We stand for freedom and independence from any power, However, we, the Great Russians, know this path better, and we are including you in our empire. Let us build a serious state, not clownish and hysterical one.’ Now, regarding for Alexander Lukashenko’s statements; after pro-Western forces tried to dethrone him, he realized the real stakes. I believe Lukashenko will join the union of eastern Slavs.

It is not about the DPR’s and LPR’s recognition. I am talking about a completely different page in world history, about a multipolar world and a total change in the entire global world order architecture. And in this respect, we can only withstand together, as a pole.

The Eastern Slavs are our Eurasian friends, it is an integrated territory of Eurasia, where there is a core (Eastern Slavic people) and adjacent territories. The procedure of the [republics’] recognition is no longer important. It is important that Lukashenko, China, and Iran stand with us. And this is only the beginning. The development depends on our brave armed forces. We have already finalized all the diplomatic procedures… Ukrainian statehood is coming to an end before our eyes; it no longer exists.

The statehood implies a sort of military sovereignty. If there is no military sovereignty, then there is no state. We will negotiate with a legal and legitimate leader of Ukraine. We will discuss with him an alliance, fraternal relations, guarantees, borders, but not with clowns [i.e., Zelensky]. We fought together, we died together. And we will resurge together.

That is why today not only [ethnic] Russians must realize that they are Russians: Ukrainians (Little Russians) must realize that they are Ukrainians, i.e., what their grandfathers and great grandfathers were. [Ukrainians] should remember the Orthodox choice of Kievan Rus. This is our and your heritage.

What Dugin writes bears out what David Starkey says (see the post immediately below). Tsarist Russia rises again to reclaim its empire. 

Who is Aleksandr Dugin?

He has been a self-declared Satanist, Nazi, Bolshevik. He loves Vladimir Putin, his Tsar. Also the Russian Orthodox Church. (Does he mix Satanism and Christianity? Aren’t they already mixed?) Some call him “the new Rasputin”. He is intensely anti-Semitic, and proclaims his hatred of freedom, tolerance, and all (erstwhile) “Western values”. (Read about him here.)

The political thinker who has influenced him most strongly is the Italian Fascist, Julius Evola. (Read about him here.)

Many historical terrors will be repeated now. Because the West has decayed and become weak and effete; is preoccupied with silly pseudo-problems such as “global warming”, “social justice”, “gender”, “diversity, inclusion and equity”.  And is giving up force and energy self-sufficiency; and is trying to destroy the nation-state, for which alone armies will fight and die.

Posted under Russia, Ukraine by Jillian Becker on Friday, February 25, 2022

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Tsar Vladimir and our world of illusion 23

Here’s a video of GBNews hosted by Mark Steyn on Thursday, February 24, 2022 – the day Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Watch from about 6.25 minutes to about 26.25 minutes.

Listen to historian David Starkey on how the West has given up force to become a world of illusion. Without force, “human rights”, “international law”, and a “United Nations” are illusions.

Putin is Tsar of Russia striving to restore the Tsarist Empire.

The rivalry of empires is the future, as it was the past.

Posted under Russia, Ukraine, United States, War by Jillian Becker on Friday, February 25, 2022

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Canada greatly reset 118

Paul Joseph Watson confirms with video clips what someone somewhere in this empty chamber denies: that the tyrant Trudeau is an agent of the Great Reset plotted by the satanic Klaus Schwab, lord of the World Economic Forum:

Posted under Canada, tyranny by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, February 22, 2022

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The day freedom ended in Canada 9

“Remember the day, February 18, 2022 as the day Canada sealed its fate.”

No longer the decline, now the fall of the West?

Are all the nations of the West now to fall into the hands of tyrants?

Does the fate of Canada mark the beginning of the end of the free world?

Posted under Canada, tyranny by Jillian Becker on Saturday, February 19, 2022

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Let freedom honk! 9

An event that changes a status quo seems always to be unpredictable. It comes from the side,  from just out of sight, looms up suddenly and everything is different.

Western governments were tightening their grip on their citizens. Their attempt to become totalitarian by pretending that the earth would burn up unless we all obeyed their commands did not succeed. Then they tried to cower us into submission by claiming that a disease – from a secretly man-made virus launched into the world by Communist China – would kill us all, wipe out whole populations unless we covered our faces, imprisoned ourselves, refrained from contact with other people, closed our businesses, stopped enjoying the shared pleasures of restaurants and theatres and stadiums, caged our children in loneliness, and above all allowed potentially lethal chemicals to be injected into us. And that horrific stratagem nearly succeeded.

What could we do? What help could be discerned approaching from anywhere on the horizon? None. We were close to despair.

And then, all of a sudden – hey presto!  – thousands of people who work day and night to bring us every material thing we need to keep alive, refused to obey the tyrants. The truckers of Canada said no to the command to be injected with dangerous substances. They refused to comply even when threatened with the loss of their licenses. They have stopped delivering the goods on which everyone – including the power-drunk tyrants – depend.

They block roads and bridges with their mighty vehicles.

They disturb the sleep of the tyrants by honking their horns. Never before has freedom had so loud and strong and powerful a voice.

The tyrants stamp the earth, scream invective at the truckers, threaten them with bankruptcy, homelessness, starvation, loss of their children, years behind bars. The truckers do not move. Their horns proclaim “Freedom!”

The tyrants order the drivers of tow-trucks to bring their mighty engines and drag the trucks off the roads and bridges. The tow-truckers refuse. And the horns honk “Freedom!”

Some tyrants go into hiding. Are they shaking with fear? Is the honking sound of freedom driving them now to despair?

They have made enemies of the people they govern. They have ignited war with their own citizens. They scorn democracy.

In country after country truckers are following the Canadian example and showing the tyrants where the real power lies.

Down with the tyrants!

All praise to the truckers!

We hear the honking, open our doors, emerge with our children bare-faced into daylight, crowd together, and cheer the glorious sound of freedom.

Posted under Canada, liberty, tyranny by Jillian Becker on Saturday, February 12, 2022

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The leader Britain needs speaks of the need for freedom 5

Nigel Farage addresses The Freedom Association, Friday, February 4, 2022:



Posted under Britain, Conservatism, liberty, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Monday, February 7, 2022

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Universities are deleting the past to destroy our culture 134

Why did the “woke” academics at the University of Leicester throw away an archive entrusted to their care?

We now know they did. They threw away the archive of the Institute for the Study of Terrorism (IST) – compiled painstakingly over many years and often at personal risk by me and my fellow researchers – as unwanted trash.

My complaint to the university elicited this response from Professor Henrietta O’Connor, the spokesperson charged by the Principal to deal with the complaint: :

The School of Criminology, as with all Schools and departments, prioritises collections in their care which are most pertinent to contemporary research and teaching. A recent search for material relating to the IST proved inconclusive. Any IST material located in future will be appraised by a professionally-qualified archivist and, if appropriate, transferred to the care of our University Archives and Special Collections.

It’s a confession. They keep what is “most pertinent to contemporary research and teaching”.

What is “most pertinent to contemporary research and teaching”? They declare unequivocally, “Ethnicity, sexuality and diversity.”

That is the agenda of the Left to which they are committed. They are “woke”. They have chosen to implement the current Leftist policy known as “cancel culture”. They are erasing records of the past that do not fit with the current – or as they say “contemporary” – political beliefs of the Left.

The IST archive, recording thousands of instances of the savage crime of terrorism – almost all of it by organizations on the Left, with support from the USSR and some from Communist China, through the Cold War years 1968-1990 – was an affront to the ideology of the “woke”.

The search for the archive was not “inconclusive” as the professor claims.  The searcher – the chief archivist of the university – concluded that the archive was lost.

But let’s say some “IST material” may be  “located in future”. Would it be preserved?  Not necessarily. Not probably. Frankly, not a chance.  It would be subject to a process of “prioritising”.  And as it would not be wanted for the teaching of  “ethnicity, gender, and diversity” – and would even pose a threat to such studies – it would not be judged “appropriate”, would not be “prioritised”, and so would be discarded.  

The professor implies, by saying the person who would make the judgment would be “professionally-trained”, that the profession of archivist requires its practitioners to adhere to “woke” ideology as routinely, normally, correctly, as the profession of medicine requires its practitioners to adhere to the ethics of Hippocrates.

Most universities in the Western world now are conscientiously trying to erase history. The IST archive is just one of an incalculable number of records, relics, depictions, monuments that are being destroyed by the very institutions that were founded to preserve our cultural inheritance.

To what end? Is there a  supremely desirable objective that can only be attained by perpetrating this vast relentless destruction?

The answer is to be found in a column by Conrad Black at American Greatness, in which he points out how like George Orwell’s Britain of 1984 America has become in 2022:

Since the Party controlled the present, it also controlled the past.

“One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Streets, inscriptions, memorial stones, the names of streets—anything that might throw light on the past had been systematically altered.” In other words, “History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

“Purges and vaporizations were a necessary part of the mechanics of government.”

Down came the statues, inscriptions and “anything that might throw light on the past.” As in 1984, America’s founding documents are pure crimethink. Teacher unions now force feed this propaganda in the schools and when parents object, the Department of Justice calls them domestic terrorists.

The past is falsified, statistics are meaningless, and the Party is always right.

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only pure power.” As Winston Smith learns:

Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?

In 2022, embattled Americans are beginning to understand the parallels.

As are the citizens of most of the countries of the late “free West”.

Is it too late to save our culture before it is gone beyond recovery?


Jillian Becker      February 1, 2022

Posted under Leftism, Totalitarianism, tyranny by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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