The Sick Revolution 65

The malignant New Left and its sub-tumor Feminism killed the customs by which men and women relate to each other in a civilized society.

Casual sexual intercourse was made almost compulsory in 1968. Frivolous promiscuity was called liberation but it would be more accurate to call it libertinism.

The motto of the Sick Revolution was “Make love not war.” Terrible as war is, it is less destructive than the Left’s revolt against civilization.    

Thousands of years of wisdom about the necessary constraints on the sexual impulses were denied.

Of course men took advantage of it. Instead of courting women, they grope them and rape them. And women are admitting at last that they don’t like it.

Now there are no guiding standards, no conventions to help either sex deal with natural animal drives. As everything else of importance and true value – art, music, literature, history, government – the Left has corrupted sexual relations.

Thanks to the Left, how many unwanted children have been born to misery if not murdered in the womb? How many have grown up uncared for, institutionalized, emotionally stunted or even depraved, because their mothers felt it was more important to be CEOs than mothers?

How many childless old people are there, living on beyond their friends and lovers for long years of loneliness?

The good life for men and women has always been known. The body knows it, and the heart’s desire. The knowledge is both profound and simple. It is about continuing the human race. It is about begetting children and raising them. It is about using the marvelously evolved process of sexual reproduction to that end, the end it is biologically for, the only manifest purpose of our natural existence.

The rite is mundane, of the earth earthy; and at the same time it is through that alone that we have a part in the process of the universe.

The flower children of the sixties and their fatherless offspring use their genitals, the fons et origo of life, sarcastically. They do not care for life. They say if a child is conceived “it” should be aborted.

The Left does not care for life. It is the ideology of squalor, self-abasement, clownishness, disease and death.


Jillian Becker   November 30, 2017

Posted under Articles, Feminism, Leftism, Sex by Jillian Becker on Thursday, November 30, 2017

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When hate is a virtue 89

If you are liberal in the true meaning of the word – a lover of freedom for everyone; if you are tolerant and broad-minded; if you believe that all persons should be equal before the law; if you believe that individuals should not be judged according to the ethnic group they “belong” to; if you believe that it is of no concern to you how one adult satisfies his or her sexual desires with another willing adult (or adults) in private; if you believe that no one should have his (“he” being the generic masculine for the human species) life taken from him unless he has taken a life; if you believe that torture is wrong;  that slavery is wrong; that depriving a person of his hands and feet as a punishment for theft is wrong; if you believe that no one should be held fast in a hole up to her chest (“her” chest because women are most commonly subjected to this) and have stones thrown at her head until she dies; if you believe in a benign god or if you do not believe that any god exists; it  is not only right and good that you hate the ideology (or religion or cult) of Islam with its sharia laws, it is a moral imperative that it be hated.  

A decent person must hate Islam. Islam cannot be liked by decent people. If a person does not hate Islam, he is not a decent person.

It does not mean that individual Muslims deserve to be hated or subjected to harsh treatment of any kind, verbal, physical, or legal. Most Muslims are born into the cult, and have great difficulty leaving it if they want to, because Islamic law, sharia, prescribes death for those who do. Non-Muslims who convert to Islam deserve contempt but not persecution.

Because …

Islam is supremacist, totalitarian, homophobic, misogynist, murderous, and savagely cruel. 

No one who hasn’t been in a coma for the last twenty years needs proof of it. Who has not been informed that Islam’s jihad is against all non-Muslims, and that wherever Islam rules it oppresses non-Muslims? Who has not seen the photos of men being thrown off rooftops to their deaths because they have been accused of homosexuality?  Who does not know that Islam insists on the subjugation of women to the absolute authority of men? Who genuinely doubts that for the last few decades most acts of terrorism everywhere in the world have been perpetrated by Muslims? Who has not seen at least some of the snuff films put out by ISIS of rows of men having their heads sawn off, caged prisoners being set on fire, human heads on poles along the sides of streets, uncovered mass graves of suffocated women and children, people in  tanks being drowned? And of kids – boys under twelve years old – trained by ISIS to decapitate men? And of women being stoned to death? And of hands being chopped off in a public place watched by a crowd including children? Who hasn’t heard of children being used as bombs?

And who hasn’t heard Western government spokesmen saying over and over again, a thousand times, that all this “has nothing to do with Islam” ?

Yet in Europe and Britain, those who hate – or are even merely suspected of hating – Islam, are punished by the law. British police spend so much time hunting down and charging people suspected of expressing hatred of Islam, they have no time, money or personnel left to pursue criminals. All West European governments are stupidly ready to let Muslims take power, in the name of democracy, which of course the Muslims are only too happy to exploit. When democratic process has brought them to power, they will impose their tyranny. Democracy will end because it can only work for a virtuous people, since “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom,” Benjamin Franklin said. It’s a regrettable but incontrovertible fact that people who are virtuous can also be abysmally stupid.

In all West European countries, ever more rigorous surveillance of people’s internet communications is urged by governments so they can be arrested, tried, and imprisoned if they tweet or post criticism of the abominable ideology. (We are still free to criticize Islam in the United States, but in almost no other Western country.) They are accused of “Islamophobia”  – an irrational fear of Islam. But it is entirely rational to fear Islam. Making non-Muslims afraid of it is a prescribed religious duty, called jihad. Jihad is holy war against all non-Muslims.

If you are not a Muslim, you are not innocent according to Islamic teaching. Children, even new-born babies, are guilty and deserve severe punishment. If you are not a Muslim, you are a sinner by definition, you offend the Muslim god, and your punishment should be death. Or you can be enslaved. Or you can pay to be allowed to live. Your death can be brought about by any means, however violent, however painful, however cruel. You can be blown into pieces by a bomb. You can be put in a cage and burnt to death. You can be crucified. You can be stoned. You can be drowned. You can be buried alive.  You can have your head sawn off.

So what’s not to hate?


Jillian Becker    November 29, 2017

Posted under Articles, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Religion general, Totalitarianism, tyranny by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, November 29, 2017

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Britons awake – to despair! 219

Britain ruled the largest empire in history. It was the mainspring of the Enlightenment – and so the main engine of Western civilization. Its language is the medium of international communication. Its greatest product – the United States of America – is the mightiest power in the world.

Now the elected leaders of Britain are handing the country over to a prolific horde of stealthy invaders from the Dark Ages, devotees of a religion that is supremacist, totalitarian, homophobic, misogynist, anti-Semitic, murderous, and savagely cruel. Islam.

A few hundred thousand – mainly working-class – citizens are appalled at what is being inflicted on them. They look for help to a few brave people who are willing to suffer persecution by the state, heavy fines, imprisonment for speaking out against the destruction of the nation.

But they are close to despair. Here one of them, Paul Weston, explains why the political party he formed is disbanding. Another leader, of the newly formed ForBritain party, is the only hope Britain has. Paul Weston urges his followers to follower her.

King Henry V, Wellington, Nelson, Churchill … your nation’s survival now rests on the frail shoulders of Anne Marie Waters.

What can she do? What can she be but a tragic heroine?

From Jihad Watch:

With the number of arrests over “hateful” comments posted online rising as much as 877 per cent in some parts of England, the Met boasting of having more than 900 specialist “hate crime” investigators, and officers touring mosques to tell worshippers to report any perceived slights to their community, people have questioned whether forces are spending their resources wisely. …

As the jihadis plot, how they must laugh at the foolishness and fecklessness of British authorities. While the British police increasingly devote their efforts to tracking down purveyors of “Islamophobic” speech, the next jihad massacre is being planned right now.

Britain is finished.

It is a tragedy beyond understanding, even more catastrophic than the fall of Rome.

Posted under Britain, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Treason, United Kingdom, Videos by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, November 28, 2017

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Racial segregation and a coming race war? 91

Who are the racists now?

There is a growing segregationist movement in America. Black students at some universities are demanding separate living quarters. At Harvard, black students staged a token “blacks only” commencement ceremony. “Whiteness” is declared to be an ineradicable sin, making all whites morally, and so racially, inferior. (See here and here.)

It is reverse “apartheid”. That horrible policy of the South African white nationalist governing party was rightly condemned throughout the Western world. The idea that the races should be kept apart – and, in practice, that the “superior” white race would rule over the “inferior” black race –  was finally abandoned in 1994, when a black political party, the African National Congress, was democratically voted into power. The ideology of apartheid was considered discredited and destroyed, done and gone.

But now it is rising again. In America among black political activists. They preach that  races should be kept apart, the “superior” black race from the “inferior” white race – with the black race dominating.

“Black studies” are are no longer to exist alongside traditional university courses, but to supersede them. This is happening in Britain, and –  notably – also in South Africa, as well as in America.

The ideology of apartheid was immoral and remains immoral. An inversion of the power structure, having the black race dominate the white race, does not make it good.  

It is not only immoral, it is also extremely foolish of the proponents of black power over “whitey” to incite and stir up race conflict. They want blacks to occupy the commanding heights of power? Nothing is stopping them now. They want blacks to occupy those heights exclusively? For that they would have to win a war, probably a violent war.

Do any of those protesting against “white power and privilege” actually want violent race war?

The idea is a reminder of the late unlamented mass-murderer Charles Manson’s scenario of  “an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks’ treatment. Then the militant blacks would arise to finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks”. But the blacks would be “incapable of running the world”. Manson’s enormous “family” – he pictures it as consisting of many thousands – would then emerge from the underground shelter they had hidden in during the conflict, and take over the government. “One hundred forty-four thousand would be the membership of the Family when … it would emerge from ‘the bottomless pit’ to rule. ‘It would be our world then. There would be no one else, except for us and the black servants’.” *

Are there scenarios of race war in America that are any less absurd than Charles Manson’s?


*The quotations are fromWikipedia.

Posted under Race, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, November 26, 2017

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Living in fear 104

For the millions who live in the great capital cities of Europe, this is what public life has become since the Muslim invasion: at any moment, terror and mass panic.

The report is in many newspapers, all in more or less the same words. We quote The Independent:

Armed police have evacuated part of central London [today] amid unconfirmed reports of gunshots in Oxford Street and Oxford Circus Tube station.

The very heart of London.

Police say they had responded “as if the incident is terrorist related” but have not yet located any casualties or evidence of shots, with searches continuing.

“To date police have not located any trace of any suspects, evidence of shots fired or causalities,” a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said.

“Armed and unarmed officers are on scene and dealing along with colleagues from British Transport Police (BTP).

“If you are in building stay in a building, if you are on the street in Oxford Street leave the area.”

Reports of gunshots originated on the westbound Central Line platform at Oxford Circus station, prompting passengers to flee up exits towards Oxford Circus and Regent Street.

“This caused a significant level of panic which resulted in numerous calls from members of the public reporting gunfire,” a BTP spokesperson said.

“Officers responded in line with our procedures of a terrorist incident, this included armed officers from BTP and the Metropolitan Police.  “A full and methodical search of the station and Oxford Street was conducted by our specially trained firearms officers.”

Ryan Butcher, an Independent reporter who was inside the station at the time, said passengers were told to evacuate the station in a tannoy announcement saying there had been a “reported emergency”.

He had reached street level when panic broke out and people started running.

“I just heard screams, someone shouted ‘run’,” he added. “I saw smoke…people started falling over in the streets.

“I saw everyone running into buildings so I went into the nearest one.”

Mr Butcher was sheltering in a nearby restaurant, where he said other people were “shaking and crying”, adding: “It’s just terrifying.”

He has since been allowed to leave by police officers, who are directing members of the public away from the area. Police were first called at 4.38pm, with the incident coming as shoppers flocked to central London seeking reductions on Black Friday.

“At this stage, we have received one report of a woman sustaining a minor injury when leaving Oxford Circus station,” a spokesperson for BTP said. “There are no other reported casualties.”

The London Fire Brigade said it had sent three fire engines and 15 firefighters to the scene.

Both Oxford Circus and Bond Street station were closed during the alert but have since been reopened.

Prime Minister Theresa May can urge people to just carry on as usual; can boast that terrorists will not make Britons change the way they live; can go on talking such dangerous rubbish as if this was the blitz again, about which nothing could be done but blitz the blitzers right back.

But this is not the blitz. It is a condition of constant fear induced as a matter of policy by successive stupid governments. (Has it ever happened before, that the leaders of a nation have invited in a self-declared enemy?  We can find no historical precedent.)

This incident at Oxford Circus – the hub of the busiest shopping area in the world, probably, on one of the busiest shopping days of the year – is all the more indicative of what that immeasurably wrong policy has done to the country in that it was a false alarm. Nothing could better reveal the underlying nervous anxiety that needs nothing more than a whiff of smoke, the rumor of a shot, a scream to send thousands of people rushing for shelter in the capital of what used to be a law-and-order country. The fear does not show as people continue – of course – to go about their daily business, but it is there. Repeated acts of murderous terrorism by Muslims have planted it there.

The truth is, the quality of life has changed severely for the worse, and the rulers of Britain and the EU countries go on pretending it doesn’t matter, and will not do the only thing that will restore safety and peace of mind to their citizens: get rid, while they still can, of the Muslim invaders.

Posted under Britain, Europe, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Terrorism, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Friday, November 24, 2017

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God, Squanto, turkeys and venison 3

We wish our readers, commenters (in particular our valuable contributing commenter liz), visitors, critics, silent appreciators and deprecators – all who are left to us by Google’s traffic-directing policies – a very happy Thanksgiving.

Here are some historical facts, seasoned (warning) with religious beliefs, about the first Thanksgiving feast. It comes from Prager University:

Posted under History, United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Thursday, November 23, 2017

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How a Muslim honors his wife 4

Listen, feminists! All  you women in pink “pussy-hats”, led by Hamas member Linda Sarsour, watch and listen:

Posted under Islam, Muslims, Videos by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, November 22, 2017

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Mueller’s mysterious ways 61

Can this be true?

From TruePundit:

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sweeping investigation into President Donald Trump’s White House just expanded to President Barack Obama’s White House, True Pundit has learned.

Mueller’s probe has also expanded into the tenures of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch in their official roles as U.S. attorney general during Obama’s two terms in the White House.

Mueller’s team — for the first time — has requested a number of DOJ records and emails related to Holder and Lynch, including additional records linked to Obama and Valerie Jarrett, who served as Obama’s senior advisor and controversial consigliere, according to federal law enforcement sources. The revelations could indicate Mueller is looking at Obama and his Justice Department’s role in attempts to secure FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign in 2015 and 2016.

Or perhaps Mueller is delving into the Uranium One debacle, even though Mueller himself is implicated in the growing scandal.

No! Surely not? A more plausible explanation comes next: Mueller is trying to find out what the DOJ has on him.

A cynical investigator would hypothesize Mueller could be getting an early and discreet look at Uranium One records to gauge any evidence implicating his personal exposure.

True Pundit looks on the bright side:

There are many areas of known and unknown corruption during Obama’s reign. With Obama’s White House now in play, Mueller could be playing a legal game of pin the tail on the scandal. With Holder involved, Mueller could be seeking records on one or more of many scandals and Lynch isn’t far behind either.

That would be good. Very good. But we’ll need to see it happening to be convinced that Democrat-friendly Robert Mueller is actually pursuing justice.

Posted under corruption, Crime, United States by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, November 21, 2017

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The Obama administration’s collusion with Russia 81

Why is there an investigation going on into alleged collusion between President Trump and Russia for which there is no scrap of evidence, but no investigation into the collusion between Hillary Clinton and Russia for which there is ample evidence, and in which she was helped by numerous public employees at tax-payers’ expense, including the person appointed to head the investigation?

That question is no doubt being asked by millions of Americans, and it is asked by Doug Hagmann in an article at Canada Free Press. He provides a time-line of the story of the Clintons’ treachery, from which we have taken this extract:

September 6, 2005: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra appear together in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The stated purpose of their trip was allegedly humanitarian, where they were to help HIV/AIDS patients gain access to certain drug therapies. Interestingly, Kazakhstan, a nation of 15.4 million, did not have an HIV/AIDS problem …

Kazakstan, however, has rich natural resources … including uranium.

Interestingly, the Almaty trip was also organized, in part by Sergei Kurzin, who once worked for the former federal fugitive Marc Rich, who was pardoned by Clinton on his last day as President.

Giustra, at the time of that trip, was the head of UrAsia Energy Ltd. During this trip, Giustra reportedly met with Kazakhstan officials to securing uranium mining contracts.

While the Giustra-Clinton partnership began publicly in 2005 through the establishment of the Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, Clinton and Giustra have a rich history as well that predates 2005 …

September 7, 2005: Hillary Clinton, former Senator for New York and then-member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, threatened to withhold aid to Kazakhstan unless and until the UrAsia mining deal went forward amid political bureaucracy inside Kasakhstan.

September 8, 2005: Giustra’s UrAsia Energy Ltd was awarded Kazakhstan mining rights from Kazatomprom, the atomic energy agency for Khazakhstan. UrAsia suddenly became the world’s largest uranium mining producer.

February 2006: Frank Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation.

August 2006: FBI Director Robert Mueller, in conjunction with the CIA reportedly begins an investigation into uranium smuggling/corruption from the former Soviet Republics.

June 2007-June 2008: Uranium One begins to purchase U.S. mines, acquiring sites in multiple states in the United States, including Wyoming (representing 20% of U.S. uranium deposits).

August 2008: Then FBI Director Robert Mueller was notified of alleged corruption and bribery involving a Uranium One and Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation deal in the state of Wyoming and elsewhere.

February 3, 2009:Eric Holder becomes U.S. Attorney General

June 4, 2009: Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom) established in 2007, the regulatory body of the Russian nuclear complex and the body that controls the Russian nuclear arsenalsecures a 17% ownership stake in Uranium One, marking the beginning of an aggressive campaign to control the U.S. uranium market. The head of Roasatom is Sergei KirIyenko, former energy minister and then prime minister of Russia (the latter during the Clinton presidency).

Wikileaks Revelations: Diplomatic cables sent to Hillary Clinton in 2009 and during her tenure as Secretary of State confirmed that she knew of Moscow’s nuclear ambitions via Rosatom in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, and knew that Russian military intelligence (GRU) was directly behind these nuclear ambitions.

June 9, 2009: Kazakhstan government arrests head of Kazatomprom (former Clinton Chappaqua guest Mukhtar Dzhkishev) on charges related to Uranium One deal corruption. The reason? Putin wanted the uranium in Kazakhstan and put pressure on Kazakhstan’s dictator to keep his hands off the uranium. This prompted the arrest of  Dzhkishev and jeopardized the sale of Kazakhstan’s uranium to Rosatom.

The Clinton State Department intervened. Hillary Clinton used her position to threaten to withhold financial aid to Kazakhstan, which resulted in the Rosatom purchase to proceed.

June 12, 2009: Rod Rosenstein, U.S. Attorney for Maryland, reportedly begins an investigation into bribery and corruption regarding Uranium One and Rosatom deals. It is important and perhaps relevant to note the existence of the FBI informant William Campbell who was “outed” by U.S. intelligence and whose name was provided to the media in November 2017.

The reason for Rosenstein’s involvement is simple and relates to the existence of the government whistleblower (Mr. Campbell). The Russian commercial agent responsible for the sale and transportation of uranium from disassembled nuclear warheads from Russia to the U.S. is Tenex, a subsidiary of Rosatom. The U.S. arm of Tenex is known as Tenam USA, based in Bethesda, MD and headed by Vadim Mikerin. Mikerin was responsible for managing Rosatom/Tenex contracts with U.S. uranium purchasers, thus giving him leverage over U.S. companies. He used this leverage to extort and defraud U.S. contractors into paying highly inflated prices for uranium, enriching Kremlin officials and compromisimg the companies who paid the bribes. …

September 21, 2009: Robert Mueller, then-FBI Director, personally delivers a 10-gram sample of highly-enriched uranium to the Russian government at the behest of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

This was learned through Wikileaks via Twitter (on May 17, 2017) in reference to a State Department cable. The uranium was allegedly confiscated from smugglers in Georgia, although raising legitimate questions about the role of Mueller with the Clintons and Uranium One.

Notably, Wikileaks released the controversial cable on May 17, the same day that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tapped Mueller as an “independent” counsel to investigate any supposed Trump-Russian ties.

Mid 2009 through Late 2010: Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton intervenes on multiple occasions on behalf of Uranium One/Rosatom and the inner workings of the transfer of the sale of U.S. uranium assets in her official capacity.

June 29, 2010: While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, Bill Clinton collected $500,000 (one-half million dollars) for a one-hour speech he delivered in Moscow, his first Moscow speech in five years. The speech was given at a seminar hosted by Renaissance Capital inMoscow, a Kremlin-controlled investment bank populated by former Russian intelligence agents with close ties to Putin.

October 22, 2010: The Committee on Foreign Investments (CFIUS) approves Rosatom-Uranium One merger. Hillary Clinton served as the titular head of CFIUS in her capacity as Secretary of State. Other committee members included the secretaries of the treasury, state, defense, homeland security, commerce and energy; the attorney general; and representatives from two White House offices (the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy). The President of the United States has the final approval of the merger and allowed it to proceed.

THE RESULT: “Uranium One and half of projected American uranium production were transferred to a private company controlled in turn by the Russian State Nuclear Agency.” – Peter Schweizer [wrote in his book Clinton Cash].

Of important (and recent) note is that the FBI informant with direct knowledge and evidence of corruption, bribery, and other related crimes never reported to CFIUS. … His vital information was intentionally withheld by those at the highest levels within U.S intelligence agencies and the top judiciary positions.

December 10, 2010: Rosatom completes its acquisition of Uranium One.

In 2013, Rosatom announced plans to take 100% control of Uranium One, a move that was hailed in Russia under the headline “Russia Nuclear Energy Conquers the World.”

It should be abundantly clear, from this rather abbreviated timeline alone, that U.S. government officials, including but not limited to Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State were instrumental in the selling of one of most precious natural resources to foreign interests for self-enrichment.

Such enrichment is estimated to exceed $145 million in quid-pro-quo contributions from foreign entities, including and especially those representing Russia, to the Clinton Foundation funneled through shell corporations.

Barack Hussein Obama had not only the power but the responsibility to stop this transfer in the interest of our national security but failed to do so.

Then U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who was informed of bribery and corruption related to the multiple transactions in the sale of one of our most strategic assets, also failed to intervene. His successor, Loretta Lynch, also failed to launch any investigation into the foreign dealings between Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and foreign nationals in this matter.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, who is now tasked with investigating Russian collusion between Russian and Donald Trump and his campaign officials, apparently did nothing as well. Nor did Rod Rosenstein.

The story makes it plain that the FBI is a corrupt institution, all too easily used by a corrupt Leftist administration to act against the interests of the American people.

Which makes it necessary to ask, “Should the FBI be abolished?”

The question is asked and answered at The American Spectator by Steve Baldwin. He looks back over many years of FBI history and lists the agency’s activities that were not only criminal but shockingly evil. He makes a persuasive – no, more, a compelling case for its abolition. It is a long article, but a must-read.

What emerges from all this is that the Clintons and their gang and conspirators belong in prison. And the FBI belongs in – yes, the ashcan of history, but also – the archives of criminal gangs, as likely the biggest and most powerful in history.

Creating an intelligent god 75

… and endowing its intelligent machine creators with machine rights.

Following on from our post immediately below in which we discuss Google engineer Ray Kurzweil’s vision of a world populated by machines, we now turn to the idea of a former Google man who visualizes the machines creating a god.

They will create a god so they can worship it.

Why will the machines need a god to worship?

Tyler O’Neil writes at PJ Media:

A former executive at Google has filed paperwork with the IRS to establish an official religion of technology. This religion doesn’t just worship scientific progress, but artificial intelligence itself, with the goal of creating a godhead. 

The new church of AI will aim “to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead [to] contribute to the betterment of society,” according to IRS documents.

So there’s an answer to why: the inventor of the new religion thinks that the worship of artificial intelligence will make society better.

What society? The society of machines. Cannot the machines be made perfect by their human creators?

There is an organization being formed with the purpose of helping humans to accept their successors. The electronic new world is inevitable. No point in  raising objections. We should move smoothly into it. We make our new masters and then we submit to them.

The non-profit religious organization would be called “Way of the Future” (WOTF). According to the website (, the movement is “about creating a peaceful and respectful transition of who is in charge of the planet from people to people + machines”.

“Given that technology will relatively soon be able to surpass human abilities, we want to help educate people about this exciting future and prepare a smooth transition,” the site explains. “In recent years, we have expanded our concept of rights to both sexes, minority groups and even animals, let’s make sure we find a way for ‘machines’ to get rights too.”

The writer comments:

There is an inherent contradiction in creating a deity of artificial intelligence and then worshipping it.

But to humans like us it is nothing new, since we believe that all gods have been created by humans.

“Let’s stop pretending we can hold back the development of intelligence when there are clear massive short term economic benefits to those who develop it and instead understand the future and have it treat us like a beloved elder who created it,” the site argues.

“It” will treat us  – its creator species – like a beloved elder, not like a god?

Yet the IRS document spoke about a “Godhead based on artificial intelligence”.

The website argued that the creation of “super intelligence” is inevitable, and that fear of this development is unhealthy. “We don’t think that there are ways to actually stop this from happening (nor should we want to) and that this feeling of we must stop this is rooted in 21st century anthropomorphism (similar to humans thinking the sun rotated around the earth in the not so distant past).”

Perhaps WOTF meant to use the word “anthropocentrism”, the idea that the universe is centered around humanity, rather than “anthropomorphism”, the attribution of human characteristics and purposes to inanimate objects. Indeed, it is arguable that WOTF is attributing human characteristics — or perhaps divine characteristics? — to technology

After all, the very next sentence continues, “Wouldn’t you want to raise your gifted child to exceed your wildest dreams of success and teach it right from wrong vs locking it up because it might rebel in the future and take your job.” This encouragement to consider machines as children — coupled with the notion of giving them rights — is arguably textbook anthropomorphism, but it may be the opposite of anthropocentric.

They will be both our children and our masters.

And the dawning of the age of the machine-god is beginning now.

The IRS filing … lists former Google executive Anthony Levandowski as the “Dean” of WOTF. Levandowski, the engineer behind Google’s self-driving car project known as Waymo, quit Google to found his own autonomous trucking company, Otto, in May 2016. …

According to the IRS filings, Way of the Future plans its first events — “workshops and educational programs throughout the San Francisco/Bay Area” — later this year.

The Christian god, we are told, chose to materialize as a baby in the Roman province of Judea. The AI god will arise full grown in Silicon Valley, California. It will be gradually improved by its maker-species – and perhaps by itself. It will be immortal, but changeable. It will be made better as it makes the society of humanoid machines better. Not just mechanically better but morally better. It will know what is good and what is bad for the new society – first of humanoid machines and eventually perhaps only of machines.

Which supposes that the machines will have feelings – because, if no feelings, no harm.

The vision then is of machines that feel, and have machine rights endowed to them by their human creators, and by the machine god that they themselves create.

For the machine-god of machines there will be no unanswerable questions about it: how it came into existence; out of what it makes whatever it makes; whether it knows more than its makers do. If the machines have the curiosity to ask them, those questions will be answered.

But still it will not be able to answer the question why: why it was created; why machines will go on running the business of the planet.

Can anyone think of a reason why they should?

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