Red Alert 95

Barack Obama’s father, and the chief mentor of his youth, and all the people who have most influenced him and promoted him throughout his life have been on the Extremely Far Left. 

Read this article and this one in Investor’s Business Daily  which make it clear as daylight that Barack Obama is a Socialist and if he were to be elected President, would turn the United States, with the help of a Democratic majority in Congress, into a  Socialist state, and try to take the country into a  Socialist International such as Marx and Lenin dreamed of.  


‘Throughout his career, Obama has worked closely with a network of stone-cold socialists and full-blown communists striving for "economic justice."

He’s been traveling in an orbit of collectivism that runs from Nairobi to Honolulu, and on through Chicago to Washington.

Yet a recent AP poll found that only 6% of Americans would describe Obama as "liberal," let alone socialist.

Public opinion polls usually reflect media opinion, and the media by and large have portrayed Obama as a moderate "outsider" (the No. 1 term survey respondents associate him with) who will bring a "breath of fresh air" to Washington.

The few who have drilled down on his radical roots have tended to downplay or pooh-pooh them. Even skeptics have failed to connect the dots for fear of being called the dreaded "r" word.

But too much is at stake in this election to continue mincing words.

Both a historic banking crisis and 1970s-style stagflation loom over the economy. Democrats, who already control Congress, now threaten to filibuster-proof the Senate in what could be a watershed election for them — at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

A perfect storm of statism is forming, and our economic freedoms are at serious risk.


Those who care less about looking politically correct than preserving the free-market individualism that’s made this country great have to start calling things by their proper name to avert long-term disaster.’



‘Obama’s Global Poverty Act offers us a global socialist destiny we do not want, one that challenges America’s very sovereignty. The former "post-racial" candidate obviously intends to be a post-national president.’

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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