Far-reaching power 130
The most far-reaching power that a president has is the power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court. The effect of his choices will continue for a long time after his own tenure of office has passed. It’s vital that judges should be appointed who will uphold the Constitution .
That is one of the best reasons to vote for McCain.
Read the great Thomas Sowell on this subject here.
McCain is the better choice by far 275
His environmentalism irritates many of us, and he’s a boring speaker, but he would keep taxes down, he would be for drilling and for nuclear power, he would ensure that the victory in Iraq is consolidated, and he would appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court. These are excellent reasons to vote for John McCain.
Besides which, an Obama presidency would be a disaster not only for America but for the world.
Read what Dennis Prager has to say about this here.
Pigs are out, now for dogs 141
The almost incredible weakness of the British authorities – in this case the police – when confronted by protest from Muslims is illustrated yet again here.
British judges set terrorists free 35
I greatly admire Melanie Phillips, the author of this article.
I agree with her on almost everything (not religion). But I think she is being too kind to the British judges and politicians who release terrorists and allow them to be supported by the tax-payer. She believes they act as they do because they cannot believe that some people have evil intentions.
I, on the contrary, think that many British judges and politicians, and most lefty intellectuals fully understand the evil motives of Islamic mass-murderers, and are on their side.
‘Western civilization is doomed’ 178
Read this discussion of a book by a Muslim on how Islam can and should conquer the world.
Only the US stands in its way, the book’s author believes, and that will change when President Bush has gone.
Puny human activity doesn’t affect Earth’s climate 85
Read about the vast forces that do affect the planet here.
‘Global warming’ is a religion 58
Here is another good article on ‘global warming’, arguing that it is anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, and ‘sick-souled religion’.
Obama’s ignorance on display again 84
Example, with comment from Power Line:
I remember, when living for four years in Indonesia as a child, I listened to my mother reading me the first lines of the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they’re endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
I would have thought that pretty much everyone–certainly every Presidential speechwriter, and every Harvard Law School graduate!–knows that these are not the "first lines" of the Declaration, which begins, "When in the course of human events…." What, exactly, accounts for the fact that Obama is not a laughingstock?
Terrorism’s cause is the decision to commit it 116
Daniel Pipes correctly writes:
Whoever accepts the Islamist (or communist or fascist) worldview, whether rich or poor, young or old, male or female, also accepts the ideological infrastructure that potentially leads to violence, including terrorism.
Read his whole article on Islamic terrorism in Europe and America here.