Blotting out the sun 25
The egotists and madmen who rule over us now have a cosmic scheme of destruction.
This – at least accompanied by a beautiful picture – is from the Mail Online a few days ago:
President Barack Obama is considering a radical plan to tackle global warming by firing pollution particles into the stratosphere to deflect some of the sun’s heat.
The controversial experiment was touted yesterday as a possible last resort to help cool the Earth’s air by the president’s new science advisor John Holdren.
‘It’s got to be looked at. We don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table,’ said Mr Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology.

Sunscreen: Could its rays be deflected as a last resort to beat global warming?
Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology, outlined the idea of shooting either sulphur dioxide particles, aluminium oxide dust or specially designed aerosols into the stratosphere – the upper level of the atmosphere between ten and 30 miles above the Earth’s surface.
It is hoped that this would cool the planet by artificially reflecting sunlight back into space before it can be absorbed.
Naval guns, rockets, high-flying aircraft and even hot air balloons have been put forward as possible ways of firing the agent into the air.
But he said he had raised the idea with the Obama administration and added: ‘We might get desperate enough to want to use it.’
Mr Holdren insisted that dramatic action is needed to halt climate change which he compared to being ‘in a car with bad brakes driving towards a cliff in a fog’.
There has been widespread resistance in the scientific community to attempts to deliberately modify the environment on such a large scale.
Opponents fear that tampering with the atmosphere’s delicate balance could have consequences that would be even worse than global warming.
Here is an extract from an article by Dr Tim Bell explaining the dangers of such an attempt: