A hazy summer’s power-grab 3

One of the first things a Republican government should do, if ever there is one again, is abolish the EPA. Except very locally (we should all keep our yards clean and perhaps try to make them as pleasant as we can), the environment should be ignored.

The planet looks after itself.

The EPA is becoming the longest arm of tyranny. It can reach into parts of individual lives that even the IRS cannot penetrate.

And it is out for plunder.

GOPUSA warns:

As if the Environmental Protection Agency needs even more power to enforce its climate-change agenda, the Obama administration’s eco-extremists now want to garnish the salaries of those who don’t abide by its rules

That could mean every one of us.

The EPA announced its intention in the Federal Register as a “direct final rule’,  which would become effective automatically on Sept. 2 “unless the EPA receives adverse public comments by Aug. 1,” reports the Washington Times.

But not to worry — the EPA assures [us] this isn’t a “significant regulatory action”.

Tell that to private property owners who have come up on the losing end of disagreements with the EPA. This is the same thuggish agency that fined a Wyoming property owner $75,000 [per day] for creating a pond on rural land.

Now the EPA would have another weapon to “encourage” cooperation and dissuade court challenges from citizens and businesses that disagree with its diktats. …

And what better time to do so than during the lazy, hazy days of summer?

And don’t you dare say that this summer is hazy and lazy. It is supposed to be burning us all up. If you deny that it’s burning us all up, you can have your wages garnished, your assets seized, and yourself caged.

Posted under Climate, Commentary, Environmentalism, tyranny, United States by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, July 16, 2014

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