A fifty-first state of the Union? 70


From Canada Free Press, by Katy Grimes:

Successfully amassing support in 21 California counties, proponents of the State of Jefferson movement took their petitions to the Secretary of State and the State Legislature Wednesday. …

California’s northern most counties are suffering from a lack of representation in the state Legislature. Twenty Northern California counties have 6 state level representatives, while the southern 38 counties have 114 state representatives.

The State of Jefferson [SOJ] … plans to remedy this lack of representation by seeking reforms, such as one senator per county, or by creating a new state—the 51st state.

State of Jefferson is a proposed U.S. state that would span the contiguous and mostly rural area of Southern Oregon and Northern California. Supporters of the State of Jefferson movement are interested in forming an independent state whose fundamental framework revolves around maintaining the integrity of individual liberties, and Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There are 11 counties in the north state with one state senator, while Los Angeles County alone has 11 senators. And Northern California has three out of 80 seats in the California Assembly.

If Jefferson becomes a state, it would hold a population of 1.7 million people and consist of California’s 21 northernmost counties [and a piece of Oregon] ….

State of Jefferson wants:

  • To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;
  • To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;
  • Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;
  • Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;
  • Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;
  • Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;
  • Constitutionally based laws;
  • Utilization of its natural resources – timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing;
  • A revamping of Social Services.

Seems reasonable to us.

California is a declining state, misgoverned by Social Justice Warriors.

We’d like to know what our readers think of the break-away movement and the founding of a 51st. state of the Union.

Posted under News, United States, US Constitution by Jillian Becker on Thursday, January 7, 2016

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