Put the strong new horse before the grand old party’s cart 2

The Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, called on Donald Trump to unify the Republican Party if he wanted to earn his support.

If Paul Ryan gave his support to Donald Trump he would be unifying the Party.

He’s putting the cart before the horse.

A former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, reproached Ryan by pointing out –

Donald Trump may turn out to be the most effective anti-left leader in our lifetime. He is against political correctness. He is against bureaucracy. He places American nationalism first which I think we desperately need. I’m tired of being told we have to have phony agreements and phony efforts.

The Hill, in its report that Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, declared his support for Trump, quotes McConnell as saying:

As the presumptive nominee, [Donald Trump] now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals.

The biggest goal, in McConnell’s eyes, is to defeat Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, and prevent what is largely expected to be a continuation of many of President Obama’s policies if she takes the Oval Office.

That goal is surely one that Trump and (most of?) the old guard of the Republican Party can and do agree on.

But in general: No, Senator McConnell, you have got it wrong. Donald Trump has the opportunity and the obligation to unite the party around his goals. If he drops everything he says he stands for, everything he proclaims as his intention, the very ideas that are drawing the approval of millions of voters throughout the country, in order just to fall in with your old, stale, failed ideas, those millions of voters will not vote for him in the general election and the Republican Party will not win the presidency.

You stalwarts of the old guard must put all your resources behind him, back him up with so much enthusiasm it actually looks like and may even become an amazing Republican novelty – passionate commitment.

It is up to you, Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan, to unify the party and satisfy the people by joining your obvious nominee, Donald Trump. That is your obligation.

Posted under Commentary, United States by Jillian Becker on Friday, May 6, 2016

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