The Left’s abuse of children 157

This so-called “migrant child separation crisis” is as phony and manufactured as the Russian collusion hoax, a ginned up controversy fabricated by the media to blot out President Trump’s success with North Korea, a booming economy, and to distract from the nuclear fallout that came via the Inspector General report on our disgraced FBI, including this week’s devastating congressional hearings.

So John Nolte writes at Breitbart. He continues:

This narrative is not only phony, it is also dumb, indecent, and inhumane.

First off, the policy of separating illegal border crossers from minor children has been going on forever. The media are just mad because Trump is enforcing the law, is refusing to “catch and release” illegals into our country, where most disappear never to be seen or heard from again.

You see, that is something the media refuse to tell you, that is something the media dare not allow the American public to grasp — that the only way to “keep the family together” is to release them into our country. …

There is simply no other way to “keep families together” other than to release them. …

Why not put them straight back over the border into Mexico?

Those families seeking asylum through legitimate means are not being separated by the Trump administration, and they should not be separated. People who follow the rules should be treated like people who follow the rules. And those seeking asylum for legitimate reasons should be granted asylum. …

But here are four reasons why separating children at the border is the ONLY humane choice.

If any American citizen force-marched their minor child through miles and miles of dangerous desert with the intent of committing a crime, the government would (and should) take the child away.

Parents hauling their children on this dangerous trek are abusing them in unimaginable ways. This is a perilous journey for an adult. Children, however, too often fall prey to human traffickers and sex abusers.

These are not good parents, and if anyone one of us treated a child in this way, Child Protective Services would remove that child from the home.

Now, again, I am not taking about legitimate asylum seekers who see this dangerous trek as the only way to save their child. That situation is completely different from what we call an “economic illegal immigrant’, abusing their own child in the hopes of using that child as emotional blackmail, as a free ticket into America.

This is monstrous behavior, monstrous behavior the left is not only okay with, but encouraging more.

Because of the loopholes in the law, because of stupid and inhumane policies like “catch and release”, the American media and left have turned innocent children into a golden ticket into America for monstrous criminals.

This encouragement has resulted in untold numbers of criminals using children (who are not their own) to disguise themselves as part of a family unit.

The hope, of course, is that the pressure to “keep the family together” results in the criminal and his phony family being released into the United States.

What happens to the child then?

Already, this poor child has been dragged through miles and miles of dangerous desert, and now, strictly for political reasons, this criminal has been let loose into America with a small child. This is how sex traffickers operate, how they take advantage of the loopholes in the law and dishonest media narratives.

Because this problem is so pervasive and the consequences of making a mistake unthinkable, the only humane thing to do is to separate these children out.

What kind of monster creates a policy that tells sex traffickers that your golden ticket into America is trafficking in young children; a policy that tells these sex abusers that America will not only grant you entry into America if you kidnap or exploit a child, but will allow you to keep your underage sex slave.

Of course we want to create a deterrence for this horrific behavior, what decent human being would not want to deter this evil?

Again — and I cannot stress this enough — Trump has only two choices: he can either separate families, or he can “keep families together” by letting them loose into America.

There is no third option, and I know of no American who would disagree with a policy (only Congress can make this happen) that allocated the funds necessary to build detention facilities for legitimate and verified illegal immigrant families.

A third option would be putting them back over the border.

In the three points above, I detailed why separating these families is the only humane option for the migrant children, but too often, what is lost in this debate is the effect the horror show of illegal immigration has on the American people.

All because the Democrats and their media allies want more voters … the already over-taxed American is soaked for $100 billion a year because of illegal immigration.

On top of that, all this cheap labor lowers the wages and steals the jobs of an American working class already ravaged by globalism and elitist bigotry.

What’s more, the children of illegals pour into our public schools at the cost of educating the children of parents who follow the rules.

And then there is the unholy cost of the crime, the families permanently separated by illegals who murder their children. The Angel Moms. Remember the Angel Moms. Remember the parents who lost their children forever because illegals were released into America.

The media have intentionally turned the moral world upside down, have gaslighted too many into believing the monstrous policy of “keeping families together”, which only means one thing – setting illegal aliens loose into America – is a virtue as opposed to what it really is: an act of naked evil that encourages child abuse, sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and punishes the already-struggling working class.

From the Western Journal:

After a week in which President Donald Trump was assailed by liberals for his “zero- tolerance” immigration policy designed to seal the porous Southern Border, Trump doubled down on his “strong borders” philosophy Sunday by tweeting that current policies are not tough enough.

“We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. …”

“Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting in line for years! Immigration must be based on merit – we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!” …

Trump contrasted the positions of the two parties on immigration.

“Our issue is: strong borders, no crime. Their issue is: open borders, let MS-13 all over our country. That’s what’s going to happen if you listen to them,” the president said.

On Sunday, Trump once again urged that Democrats in Congress pass laws to create a strong border.

When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.”


Posted under immigration, Latin America, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, June 24, 2018

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