No one as Irish 26

American schoolchildren are being taught to sing praise-songs for Barack Obama, in the same way kids are taught to sing them for the Dear Leader in Communist countries.

In March 2009 the kindergarten class of Marymount School performed this song (found at Thunder Tales, where more such songs may be read and heard). The blarney goes that Barack Hussein Obama is more Irish than anyone else. What higher praise could come from an Irish song-writer?

O’Leary, O’Reilly, O’Hare and O’Hara

There’s no one as Irish as Barack O’Bama.

You don’t believe me, I hear you say

But Barack’s as Irish, as was JFK.

His granddaddy’s daddy came from Moneygall

A small Irish village, well known to you all.

He’s in the White House, he took a chance

Now let’s see Barack do Riverdance.

Toor a loo, toor a loo, toor a loo, toor a lama

There’s no one as Irish As Barack O’Bama.

He’s as Irish as bacon and cabbage and stew,

He’s Hawaiian he’s Kenyan American too.

He’s in the white house, he took his chance

Now let’s see Barack do Riverdance.

Toor a loo, toor a lay, toor a loo, toor a lama

There’s no one as Irish As Barack O’Bama.

From Kerry and Cork to old Donegal

Let’s hear it for Barack from old Moneygall.

Posted under communism, education, United States by Jillian Becker on Thursday, November 5, 2009

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