Keeping count 23

From time to time we reproduce a snapshot of the Islamic terrorist record as kept by the valuable – ironically named – website, The Religion of Peace.

Here is today’s tally.

2013.09.11 (Baghdad, Iraq) – At least thirty Shia worshippers are torn to shreds by a suicide bomber at the entrance of their mosque.
2013.09.11 (Rafah, Egypt) – A Fedayeen suicide car bombing leaves eleven dead.
2013.09.10 (Baqubah, Iraq) – Ten people at an outdoor market are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.09.10 (Ghazni, Afghanistan) – Three children are among seven civilians blown to bits by the Taliban.
2013.09.10 (Yala, Thailand) – Two people are killed when Muslim ‘rebels’ set off a bomb at a school.
2013.09.09 (Landi Kotal, Pakistan) – Religious extremists behead three members of a peace committee.


Posted under Afghanistan, Arab States, Egypt, Iraq, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Terrorism by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

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