Of course the terrorist was a Muslim 71

CBS News reports that the  suicide bomber who killed 22 people and injured 60 as spectators were leaving a concert in Manchester, England, yesterday (May 22, 2017) was 23-year-old Salman Abedi, who was “known” to the British police. As a danger, that is. They knew, but they did not act.

We expected his name would be some variation of Mohamed. Anyway, he’s a Muslim OF COURSE.

CBS also reports that ISIS “claimed responsibility” for the mass murder. The ISIS nazis will be celebrating the deaths and suffering, OF COURSE.

Another atrocity carried out for Islam, the religion of war, oppression, and mass murder.  

Breitbart reports that “Leftists took to Twitter Monday night to tweet about their fears of Islamophobia following the terrorist attack” in Manchester, England. OF COURSE they did.

Will the British government, or any European Government, do anything to stop Muslims carrying out their atrocities? OF COURSE NOT.

President Macron of France says “terrorism will be part of our daily lives for years to come”, so everyone must just get used to it.

In the United States, the Left, the bureaucracy, and the media are only concerned that the feelings of Muslims must not be hurt by us Islamophobic, bigoted, xenophobic, racist Rightists saying the words “Islamic terrorism“.

Only President Trump dare speak of “Islamic terrorism”. What’s more he said those very words in the Islamic state of Saudi Arabia in the presence of its deeply religious Muslim rulers.

President Trump does not think we should just get used to terrorism. He spoke vehemently against it in his speech in Saudi Arabia.

Should we get used to living with the possibility that at any moment we might be killed or painfully maimed, perhaps permanently, in any public place, by a Muslim doing his duty to advance the Islamic holy war?

Wasn’t the whole idea of the law-and-order state that people would be protected by government from criminal injury? Is that idea to be abandoned now or discriminately applied because it makes things difficult for Muslim terrorists?

The answer is: In France, yes; in Germany, yes; in Sweden, yes. In Britain, not sure. In America?

Posted under Britain, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Terrorism, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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