Londonistan 73

For a description of what London – once the exciting heart of Britain and the capital city of a vast empire –  has become with Islamization, we select these passages from an article by “A Londoner” at Jihad Watch:

The problem with London is that it has too much Islam. Vast areas of London are now cultural wastelands, thanks to Islam. London as a city is shrinking in terms of where one can go for fun things to do. Wherever Islam settles, fun things cease to exist. Pubs close down, nightclubs close, cinemas close. Walk through any Muslim-majority area in any part of the UK, and their high streets look like Third World bazaars. There are shops, but they are mainly market-stalls from which to do business. These clutter up the streets, and there are empty boxes lying everywhere. The produce on offer is of a very poor grade, and what the typical Muslim high-street has to offer is shops or stalls that sell rotting fruit and vegetables, hijabs or burqas. There are Islamic bookstores, and invariably there will be a mosque and a halal butcher shop — not much else. Oh, yes, there will also be some shops selling refurbished phones and SIM cards. These shops are filled with sun-bleached items that have lain in the windows for years. A lot of the shop-owners have been done for money-laundering, which would explain the rank odours upon entering and the worthless junk and outdated merchandise on display.

Walk through these areas as a non-Muslim man or woman, and you will be in the minority. If English is your native tongue, it will be the last thing you will hear being spoken on the street. If you’re a woman and not wearing at least a hijab you will stand out (Kilburn used to be wonderfully Irish; now it looks like the worst part of Turkey, with Dawah stalls set up everywhere). Likewise with men, if you’re not wearing some sort of religious garb or tribal outfit, you will be looked upon by suspicious eyes. Right here in London in the UK. You won’t find any arts centres, theatres, or cinemas. No Islamic dance clubs. The most you’ll get, by way of Islamic culture, is a curry on Brick Lane …

Most borough consensuses are from 2011, the next ones can be expected in 2021. They’re compiled every ten years and are broken down into demographics of race, religion, age, identity, etc. At this current point in time, most London borough are hovering around the 34% mark for residents who identify as white British. One borough, Newham, has only 10% white people in it. And it’s not just the outlying regions. If you go to Kensington and Harrods, you’ll find all the wealthy Arabs, the women wearing their niqabs but with golden designer glasses, handbags and shoes. …

London has shrunk as a city. Too many of its areas and boroughs have been taken over by religious bigots and Third World tribes. … If you have so many people wanting to live under sharia law and so many Muslim mayors and MPs, as we currently do, then the country can only look forward to a divided future. The East End of London (Shadwell, Stepney Green, Whitechapel, all the way out to Bromley by Bow) looks like Bangladesh meets Pakistan. If you head northwest, you will think you are in first Turkey and then Somalia. The self expression, the autonomy of movement, sexuality, and dress are disappearing fast and are being replaced with religious and tribal garb. …

We are being dragged backwards into the seventh century …

Our only disagreement: Britain will not be so lucky as to have a “divided future”. The country has an Islamic future. The writer has not considered the demographics – how the fertility rate of the Muslim invaders is well above stability, while the rate of the indigenous population is well below it. Britain will be an Islamic country. That is its future. A dreary, bleached, low-grade, fun-less, worthless future. A future under a supremacist and totalitarian oppressor. Under cruel and unjust sharia law. 

Unless the British people start now to topple the government, change the policy of accepting vast numbers of Muslim immigrants, get rid of as many Muslims now in the country as they can, and set about anathematizing the appalling ideology of Islam.  

Posted under Britain, Demography, Islam, jihad, Muslims, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Saturday, December 9, 2017

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