No dream mosque 97

The great comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, in the role of a local official, offers the residents of a small American town the great boon of … a mosque. A huge mosque. Or an immense mosque if they think the huge mosque is too small.

The people believe that the townhall meeting and the offer are real. Horribly real.

Best moment. Man calls out: “I am [a racist]. I’m a racist towards Muslims.”



From Creeping Sharia:

Ohio: North Ridgeville city council approves new mega mosque, one of largest in the region. “It’s a good project that improves upon an existing vacant lot and will provide a very nice looking building and it will welcome new people to our community,” said North Ridgeville City Council President Kevin Corcoran.

Posted under America, Muslims, Videos by Jillian Becker on Saturday, August 18, 2018

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