We are persecuted, oppressed, victimized 99

… and so respectable conservatives at last!

Facebook has suspended us for 30 days. We cannot even access our page, let alone write anything on it.

No reason is given.

The last thing we posted was an observation by Mark Steyn found at his website:

A truly great lawyer, Sidney Powell, is the lady who single-handedly rescued Michael Flynn from the pit of hell into which dirty investigators, dirty prosecutors, a dirty judge and even his own former legal team had lowered him. 

We added a comment of our own that the dirty villains were doing what their master, Obama, ordered them to do. Maybe that was what Facebook’s zealous far-left censors objected to.


Later: It seems that we cannot post or comment anywhere for 30 days – except here on our own website. How did Facebook work that, we wonder.


Later: Suddenly we can again access our Facebook page through the link in our margin. We wait to see if this is a temporary resumption of normal use or if the censors have reversed their decision.


One day later: Our “test” post is still up on Facebook. So it seems that the censors who suspended us have changed their minds.

Posted under tyranny by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 21, 2020

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