Bad decisions 84

Neo writes:

Question: Is the lockdown the worst decision ever in America?

I think it was up there, but I can think of worse. One example I’ve given of a decision I believe is worse was the failure of the right to fight the Gramscian march through the universities with sufficient vigor back when it might have mattered. Another is the substitution of equality of outcome for equality of opportunity. Another is the failure of voters to see the leftist intent of Barack Obama. Still others might be the imposition of the permanent income tax and/or the direct election of senators. … But the question I’m asking … is whether the lockdown was the worst public health decision in the last 100 years.

The answer seems to be: probably.

Read it all here.

We would put top of the list of bad decisions since World War II, the creation of the United Nations.

Posted under Health, Socialism, United Nations by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, March 16, 2021

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