Herman Cain 83
We mourn the death of Herman Cain with real sadness. He was charming, wise, and brilliant. A mathematician, an astute businessman, and a politician with loads of “charisma”. His passing is a serious loss to the conservative side, our side, of the ever-widening political divide.
Now for a US slave state? 185
[A] Marxist agenda … has been for decades and is continuing to this day to be jammed down the throats of America’s students. Hitherto unsuspecting parents are waking up, though, especially during this time of online instruction during the coronavirus crisis. They are seeing, sometimes for the first time, what their children are being taught—and many are furious. The more questions the parents are asking, the more the school boards are resorting to deception and obfuscation … Parents increasingly are attending school board meetings and demanding answers.
So Clare Lopez writes at GOPUSA.
Are parents waking up to what is happening in the schools? The indoctrination has been going on for at least two generations. Aren’t the parents themselves products of it?
More believably, Lopez writes: “The explosion of lawless rioting on American streets”, which is happening now, “was only a matter of time.”
She recalls that –
Sixty-two years ago, former FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen wrote The Naked Communist to warn Americans about how communists planned to destroy our system from within, not by means of sudden revolution as envisioned by Karl Marx, but through a version of Italian communist Antonio Gramsci’s “cultural Marxism”. … It has been a “long march through the institutions” that has brought us to the brink of catastrophe—and much of it began in our schools.
Chapter 13 of Skousen’s book lists 45 goals of communism in America. Number 17 reads: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”
And so they did. While American parents were busy working to sustain their families … their children were at schools with teachers and textbooks that taught them to hate America … and the remarkable individuals who built this country on the principles of the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution … and more. …
She asks –
So, how did this happen?
The plot to destroy Western Civilization was hatched in Moscow shortly after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and implemented through the Institute of Social Research at Frankfurt University (later simply, The Frankfurt School). John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse, and others brought socialist concepts of “progressivism” to U.S. schools through the National Education Association. … [In] came the indoctrination of critical race theory, identity grievance, and the angry psychobabble of “victimhood”.
Textbooks like Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States (1980) and A Young People’s History of the United States (2007) that are used across the U.S. from middle school through university, distort the true historical record and paint America as irredeemably oppressive, racist, and unjust.
Zinn’s purpose was –
… class warfare that pits identity and minority groups against one another, rejects American exceptionalism, abandons free market capitalism, and goads impressionable students to anger, despair, and hopelessness about their own country. …
Until along comes a period of forced idleness and isolation, restless discontents locked in their homes over fear of a new variety of flu, and before long they erupt in riots. It is the moment for the thoroughly indoctrinated would-be “destroyers of our system from within” to progress into violent insurrection.
Decades of such indoctrination have wreaked the havoc we see today on our streets: crazed mobs attack police, assault private citizens and business owners, vandalize property federal and private alike, tear down statues without even knowing whom they represent …
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement even has a national organization called Black Lives Matter at School (BLMS), whose signature objective is the mandatory injection of Black History and Ethnic Studies into U.S. school curricula. A project of the Movement4BlackLives (whose horrifically antisemitic, racist 2016 Program is now archived online), BLMS offers an online Curriculum Resource Guide based on the BLM’s guiding principles and other materials that promote the three African-American Marxist women who founded BLM, “queer and transgender affirming”, “globalism”, and “disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure”. BLMS has the endorsement of the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the U.S. …
In California, a proposed Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC), which is among other things both antisemitic and anti-Israel, has been under consideration and revision for more than a year. But even as the revision process grinds on, a group calling itself Save CA Ethnic Studies reportedly is attempting an end-run around the system to hoodwink individual district school boards in CA to vote on a previously criticized and rejected version of the curriculum (sometimes without even being shown the original draft). More than a dozen CA school boards so far have adopted resolutions in support of that earlier proposed ethnic studies curriculum.
Across the country, however, including in private secondary schools like Phillips Academy Andover, Phillips Exeter Academy, and Sidwell Friends, school systems are pronouncing support for the Marxist BLM agenda as they come under pressure to include materials on “institutionalized racism” in their curricula. In public school systems in New York City, Wake County, NC, the Santa Barbara Unified School District, and others, hard leftist school boards are kowtowing to the belligerent demands of Black Student Youth groups and others. …
And the Democratic National Committee (DNC) – the governing body of the Democratic Party – is adopting the agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Whether or not Joe Biden, the Democrats’ senile candidate for the presidency, is for doing so is irrelevant. He is no longer in a mental state to know what he is for. The Democrats chose him because they expect that he’ll seem a safe familiar old pol for enough of the electorate to feel comfy voting for. The less mind of his own he has, from their point of view, the better. In his zombie state he will be easily manipulated, a mere conduit for the political will of the Radicals Behind The Curtain (RBTCs).
The old guard of the Party are being used, and they don’t seem to realize it. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are blithely acquiescing in the RBTC’s plan because they imagine it will get them back into power, after which they will call the tune. Otherwise, if not out of gullibility, why would someone like Nancy Pelosi, a rich-from-capitalism white woman, let the self-declared Marxists of BLM, and the “squad” of Communists and Muslims, who are against whites and capitalists call their instructions from back there? Is it that she imagines herself to be the leader of a Communist “transformed” America? Do the old pols all see themselves as the Nomenklatura, all powerful, super-rich, lording it over a slave society?
Can an assemblage of the bitter, the gulled, the violent and the murderous win an election in America? Come to power to establish a Communist racist state?
When the best president America has ever had can be voted back to save the nation from these hellish legions?
The answer must be NO!
A fatal flaw? 71
Is liberal democracy, the nation held together as such by a constitution of liberty, the genuinely open society, no longer able to sustain itself?
If so, why?
We know what enemies assail it, what developments continue to weaken it, but wonder why it has not proved strong enough to withstand them, if it is failing to do so.
Is there a fatal weakness in the best political system ever devised, exemplified by the Constitution of the United States of America?
Or do you think the long established libertarian nature of the US, Canada, Australia – perhaps even of Britain, far gone as it is – will yet prove stronger than the ruinous pull to the Left and the encroachments of Islam? Will it stop and reverse the trend now well underway towards tyranny?
John O’Sullivan wrote recently at the National Review:
I doubt Wokeness will triumph in the United States or anywhere in the English-speaking world where democratic and liberal traditions are deeply rooted, if at present very far from flowering. Those traditions will almost certainly be strong enough to contain a Woke regime long enough for an election to punish its preordained chaos, failure, and authoritarianism.
Are democratic and liberal traditions deeply rooted enough in the English-speaking world? Are they strong enough? Will electorates punish an authoritarian regime if they mistakenly put it in power? (What if such a regime abolishes elections?)
We look forward to our readers telling us any answers they may have to these questions.
(You can be as cynical about human nature as you need to be, if the answer, or part of it, lies there.)
The hypocrite of Turtle Bay 440
The United Nations MUST be abolished.
It is evil and it does evil. Nothing but evil.
This organization is the most blatant hypocrite of all the hypocritical institutions in the world. More so even than the churches. And though hypocrisy is, as La Rochefoucauld said, the “tribute vice pays to virtue”, this hypocrite’s continued existence is an insult to the entire human race.

Hypocrisy House in Turtle Bay, N.Y.
Judith Bergman writes at Gatestone:
As accusations of “institutional racism” in organizations, professions, universities and cultural institutions continue to make the headlines, no one is calling out the institutional racism of the United Nations (UN).
What is institutional racism? The first entry on Google tells you, “Institutional racism is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization”.
If you google “racism”, a Google dictionary defines it as:
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
The UN counts all the states in the world as its members, and all are ostensibly equal under international law, to which the UN claims to adhere. According to its own rationale, therefore, all the member states in the UN should be treated equally by the organization’s various bodies and be judged according to the same standards. If the UN would systematically single out a minority of only one member state to be condemned for alleged human rights abuses for example, while completely ignoring the documented human rights abuses of an entire host of member states, this double-standard would amount to systematic discrimination, or “racism”, against that state according to the definition of “institutional racism” mentioned above.
This form of systematic discrimination, or “racism”, is in fact what the UN has been engaging in for decades against one country, Israel, a tiny state of roughly 8.7 million citizens – with a landmass roughly the size of New Jersey — out of a total world population of 7.8 billion people:
The UN General Assembly, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the UN Commission on Human Rights have passed a large number of resolutions and decisions against Israel. According to the human rights non-governmental organization (NGO), UN Watch:
Every year, the General Assembly adopts some 20 resolutions against Israel and only 5 or 6 against the rest of the world combined, with one each on Iran, Syria and North Korea. The General Assembly adopts zero resolutions on systematic abusers like Cuba, China, and Saudi Arabia.
The discrimination is too obvious to ignore. There are 193 member states in the UN. For 20 resolutions a year to be lobbed at the only democratic country in the Middle East, which actually observes human rights and equality under the law — but only 5 or 6 at the remaining 192 states, which include major violators of international law such as China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Nigeria and Iran — speaks of an extremely ingrained form of state-sponsored discrimination or “racism”.
China, a state of 1.4 billion people, continues to be the number one executioner in the world … The Chinese Communist regime ruthlessly persecutes ethnic and religious minorities, and withholds from its own citizens the most basic human rights, such as freedom of expression, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly, as previously reported by Gatestone Institute. Every one of those rights is enshrined in the UN’s own conventions and declarations. … Even though China is a leading violator of international law and one of the most outrageous abusers of human rights, neither the General Assembly nor the UNHRC has condemned its actions.
There are countless other examples of UN member states who do not live up to even a fraction of the UN’s treaties and declarations of human rights, yet those countries are never called out. The UNHRC has not passed a single resolution against Saudi Arabia, for instance, a country of more than 33 million people that largely continues to operate according to medieval human rights standards, despite the efforts of Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman to effect some reforms. Last year, the kingdom surpassed its own record for executions … when it beheaded 184 people. Saudi Arabia only decided to end flogging a few months ago. The desert country, which takes up most of the Arabian Peninsula, also still operates a male guardianship system, which treats women as legal minors, so that they usually can only travel and perform the most mundane tasks, such as applying for a passport, under the supervision of a male guardian. …
There are countless other examples of countries with atrocious human rights records that are not only not called out by the UN and its human rights bodies, but actually serve on those bodies; countries such as Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan and Somalia, which all currently serve on the UN Human Rights Council. …
Even the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), at its annual assembly, assigns Israel its own separate agenda item, number 14. In it, every year, Israel is condemned as a violator of “Palestinian health rights” in the “Occupied Palestinian Territories, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan”.
In fact, Israel provides free medical care to thousands of Arabs hurt in the ongoing war in Syria, and medical treatment and aid of all sorts to Palestinians.
The UN’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) “dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women”, also routinely singles out Israel for condemnation for “violating women’s rights” [which it does not, of course – ed], while countries such as Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia and Iran, some of the world’s most dangerous countries for women, are not even mentioned. Not only is there no condemnation of Saudi Arabia — where women are still treated as legal minors, and where campaigners for basic women’s rights face long prison sentences — but Saudi Arabia was even elected to the CSW a few years ago to assist in the task of “promoting women’s rights”.
Regrettably, almost all UN member states, apart from the United States, appear to find this discriminatory treatment of just one country in the world to be completely normal and as matters should be. There is simply a whopping international double-standard here on what passes as institutional racism and what does not — and it needs to be acknowledged.
Ironically, the institutional racism against Israel at the UN takes the focus away from countries that are in acute need of scrutiny — which is possibly the reason for its success. Countries where women have few to no rights, where political opponents are tortured and stashed away in prisons or killed, and where people cannot speak their minds freely, get a pass. At the very least, people might question whether an organization that has made discrimination against one country in the world one of its operating principles — as institutionalized in permanent agenda items and almost ritual condemnations — is worth the exorbitant cost. The United States, for instance, as the organization’s single largest donor, in 2018 funded the UN to the tune of $10 billion.
At a minimum, instead of paying a mandatory “slightly less than one-fifth of the body’s collective budget” every year, the US — and the UN — would fare far better if the US paid for what it wanted and got what it paid for. At present, the UN has long ceased being a force for good [it never was – ed] and is being used, first, to prop up its majority of un-transparent, unaccountable anti-democratic despots, and second, to perpetuate conflicts — largely at the US taxpayers’ expense.
Working for a worse world 149
If there is a Devil he lives on this earth – and his name is George Soros. (Read about him here.)
Where is James Bond when we need him? Why hasn’t he hunted down Soros and his minions?
Soros is more dangerous than any of those infamous villains working for a worse world, those power-hungry psychopaths whom 007 defeats with debonair ease.
Ah, but of course, he and they are fictitious, and Soros is all too real.
American Wire reports:
In November 2016, a little known Central Florida prosecutor scored a stunning upset over the incumbent elected state’s attorney to become the chief prosecutor over the Orlando area.
Aramis Ayala won with the help of $1.4 million pumped into her campaign funding by leftist billionaire George Soros. Ayala promptly became infamous around Florida for abandoning the death penalty as a potential punishment, including in a case involving a suspect who murdered his pregnant girlfriend and a local cop.
But Ayala was not a one-offer.
Soros has shown a willingness to spend big to corrupt the criminal justice system from within — as shown by the protests over George Floyd, the Black Minneapolis man who died in police custody. Soros’s chosen DAs are making a mockery of justice across America.
In California, for example, Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton refused to prosecute a Black Lives Matter protester charged with resisting arrest and assault. The suspect failed to disperse as cops tried to clear the streets, and then picked up a live tear gas canister that officers fired to move the crowd and hurled it back at the cops.
Additionally, Becton also announced she would prosecute two anti-BLM protesters for a hate crime after they painted over the “Black Lives Matter” mural painted on the street in front of the courthouse.
“We must address the root and byproduct of systemic racism in our country. The Black Lives Matter movement is an important civil rights cause that deserves all of our attention,” she said. …
In St. Louis, Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has announced she will prosecute local lawyers Mark and Patricia McCloskey. The McCloskeys are renowned for being photographed outside their ritzy home holding guns as angry BLM protesters, who had broken into their private gated community, marched down the street. The couple maintained the demonstrators threatened them and their property. In early June, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt lashed out at Gardner after she released three dozen suspected looters following a Floyd-protest riot. “There wasn’t one person looting and rioting and shooting at police officers that could have been charged? It’s absurd,” Schmitt told local media. …
In Chicago, State Attorney Kim Foxx opted not to prosecute thousands of arrests for what she termed “minor offenses” related to riots. She attributed the unrest to “righteous anger” and “collective grief” over Floyd’s death and praised those who were “standing against years of racial injustice”, according to local media.
Foxx also implemented a policy regarding violent offenses – such as assault, resisting arrest, battery, mob action, and aggravated battery to a police officer – that there would be a “‘presumption against proceeding’ unless there’s body or dash cam footage available, or if a police officer is the complainant”. In other words, if it’s not on tape, it didn’t happen.
Meanwhile, The New York Times reported that between June 20 and July 5 nine children under 18 were shot to death in a wave of violence that has resulted in nearly twice as many murder victims in Chicago as in New York, even though the Big Apple has three times the population. “The Windy City is becoming the Bloody City,” a local minister, the Rev. Michael L. Pfleger told the Times. He described this moment as “the worst period in the 45 years he has worked on social issues”.
In Houston, District Attorney Kim Ogg tossed nearly 800 total criminal charges filed against 600 people after Floyd-related protests. In a statement, Ogg said:
Prosecutors conducted a review that divided the cases between those people who sought to do harm others (sic) and property vs. those arrested for simple civil disobedience. … The cases dismissed were for non-violent misdemeanor offenses, mostly obstructing a highway and trespassing. While probable cause existed for the arrests of those people who refused to disperse after being ordered to do so by police, our young prosecutors worked hard to identify the few offenders who came to inflict harm on others and intentional damage to property. … With the dismissals, the people whose cases were dismissed no longer charged don’t face the prospect of being saddled with a criminal prosecution that could jeopardize future educational, employment and other opportunities.
So down in Houston, hundreds of people menacing the public by trespassing and blocking highways is OK, so long as it’s done for the progressive reason.
And this is only one of the ways Soros is mobilizing forces for injustice.
His fiendish machinations are harming other countries too, among them most notably Ukraine, Hungary, Israel, the Balkan states …
His plots against the human race surpass any fiction.
Capitalists for Communist revolution 257
Capitalists are lavishly funding the Communist revolution now underway in America.
Black Lives Matter, a Marxist revolutionary movement whose goal is to overthrow the free constitutional republic of the United States, has been given/promised well over a billion dollars “so far” by American businesses to help it realize its aim.
The Federalist reports:
At least seven “Fortune 500” companies donated funds to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation despite its Marxist roots and anti-capitalistic views.
According to Axios, “the 100 largest U.S. companies have so far committed $1.63 billion to organizations fighting racism and inequality”. Analysis of social media posts, blogs, and public statements … shows that Deckers Uggs, Amazon, Pepsi’s Gatorade, Microsoft, Warner Records, Intel, Bungie of Xbox and Microsoft Games, and Mondelez International’s Nabisco all specifically pledged money to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation following the death of George Floyd. …
The article includes a (non-exhaustive) list of of donating companies.
The beneficiaries complain:
What is surprising is the paucity of corporations and the stinginess of the donations. [!]
One of the BLM co-founders, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, explained the foundation of the movement, inspired by her and co-founders Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi, in an interview [with The Real News] in 2015:
We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.
So of course was Obama, who stated proudly that he was a “community organizer”, which means, in blunt terms, a red revolutionary rabble-rouser.
The riots – no doubt joined by many “useful idiots” who are simply bored with being kept from work and confined to their homes by the quarantine regulations – have a purpose, a point, a meaning far beyond expressing indignation for the fatal police mistreatment of George Floyd, the petty criminal and historic international martyr.
BLM is the latest vanguard of Communist revolution in America, aimed – as one African immigrant, leading revolutionary, and elected member of Congress, Ilhan Omar, says – at “dismantling the system”, meaning the overthrow of the free constitutional republic.
The movement and its entire agenda is supported by the Democratic Party, and if the Democrats are elected to power in November, the Communist Revolution of the USA will have been accomplished.
Reminded by Liz, we add:
Soros, the most evil of all anti-capitalism capitalists, uses his billions to employ legions of demons – these days he prefers them to be black and female – to promote crime and cripple law and order. His money gets them into powerful positions, notably the office of State or District Attorney. Then at his command they proceed to corrupt the criminal justice system.
The Powderhorn archipelago 115
The residents of the Powderhorn neighborhood of Minneapolis pledged never to call the police because they were convinced that the police are the enemies of black people people of color, treat them cruelly, and kill them with or without the least excuse. That – yes – even black police officers do this. So until police forces can all be abolished in America, the least a good white person can do – if “good white person” isn’t an oxymoron – is boycott the police.
Some of them came to regret their decision, especially when Powderhorn Park was occupied by vagrants homeless people, and the neighborhood, including the park itself, became a high crime area. (See our post Reality incorruptible, July 14, 2020)
Daniel Greenfield takes the story further at Front Page:
“If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it?” Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender had demanded [in early June]. “Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system?”
Powderhorn residents had taken that message to heart and refused to call the police.
A few days later, a “juvenile” girl was assaulted. The Associated Press reported that “the people who took the victim to the hospital did not call police”.
By July, the encampment had grown to 800 people …
There have been assaults, rapes, theft, drug-dealing, overdoses, fights, bloodshed –
The oppressive system of “white supremacy” was being dismantled one rape at a time.
But –
Minneapolis officials have been steadily denying that dumping hundreds of vagrants in the park could possibly lead to crime.
“When we talk about crimes that happen here, these are not new crimes,” Minneapolis Park Board Commissioner AK Hassan insisted. As a Somali immigrant, he claimed that he won’t vote to evict anyone. “Let’s not find excuses.”
Hassan, a Rep. Ilhan Omar ally, had praised the vote to defund the police as an “opportunity to reimagine how we approach public safety, not only for our city but the entire country.”
How is the reimagining going? In effect –
Minneapolis’ Democrat leaders have reimagined public safety as utter terror. …
In response to the spiraling violence at Powderhorn Park, Commissioner Londel French urged people to get to know the vagrants and junkies:
There are some real issues about sanctuary, and I think the way we fix those issues are by having conversations with not only the neighbors and homeowners who live around Powderhorn, but some of the residents of the sanctuary and come up with some solutions to some of the issues that we’re having.
These hypothetical conversations could involve the drug dealing, prostitution, needles, stolen cars, bodily fluids, and other benefits of having a homeless encampment next door.
French, a Bernie Sanders supporter, had run for office vowing that he would use the Park Police to test out –
… new ideas for how policing can engage our communities. Specifically, I will work to ensure that the Minneapolis Park Police use methods of restorative justice.
New ideas. Exciting prospect, reimagined public safety.
Anything new showing up yet? Is public safety better assured now? Is justice being or becoming restorative?
There’s been a small beginning:
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board [MPRB] … began designing a new green uniform for park cops even as it turned the parks into violent hellholes.
The 33 officers of the park police don’t have their new uniforms yet, but its okay because they aren’t being called.
“MPRB staff are encountering unsafe situations in the evening with locking up the bathrooms” and the portable restroom provider announced that it wants police to be there when its employees service the bathrooms because “encampment residents are going through their vehicles”.
But everyone is pledged not to call the cops. So –
If the lefty activists want to defund the police, they’ll have to be the ones fixing the toilets. …
The reports also mentioned high concentrations of “biohazards”.
Still, Powderhorn Park is a model:
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board of Commissioners declared that [all] the city’s parks were now “sanctuaries” for anyone who wanted to live in them. The resolution cited Governor Walz’s declaration of a “peacetime emergency” which banned removing homeless people from anywhere they wanted to be.
Since then, 38 more Minneapolis parks have been turned into tent cities …
Will it be long before all the parks of Minnesota will be showcases of restorative justice?
All the parks of America?
Reality incorruptible 21
One of the best things about having a human brain is that you can use it to anticipate the results of certain actions, such as walking off the edge of a high cliff, or jumping into deep water if you cannot swim, or drinking from a bottle labelled Poison, and so not take those actions if you want to avoid the ensuing fatal calamity.
In theory, every living human being can choose to avoid foreseeable danger.
In practice, however, it seems that some human brains lack the ability to anticipate.
And the condition is not as rare as might be supposed. By what would seem a remarkable coincidence, a whole group of well-heeled, literate, fully grown Leftists, all sadly lacking the power of anticipation, came to live in the same leafy district in Minnesota. They agreed with each other that the police were morally unacceptable and unnecessary, they would never need them, so they would never call them to come into their pleasant, peaceful neighborhood.
Very soon the peaceful, pleasant neighborhood was no longer peaceful or pleasant.
John Nolte writes at Breitbart:
Anyone worried about this anti-police madness somehow taking hold need only look at Powderhorn Park, Minnesota, where a bunch of affluent, white leftist women have agreed to not involve the police in property crimes …
The far-left New York Times reports that what had been a clean and safe neighborhood, an enclave of activist leftists located just a few blocks from where George Floyd died while in police custody, has quickly fallen apart in just a few weeks.
The residents are now stressed, worried for their own safety, but are still desperately trying to make it work.
“Two weeks ago, dozens of multicolored tents appeared in the neighborhood park. The multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seems to grow larger and more entrenched every day,” according to the Times.
And with the homeless comes all the problems associated with the homeless, including “heavy car traffic into the neighborhood, some from drug dealers”.
There have already been two overdoses in the encampment, and that encampment was once a leafy park where everyone felt safe.
Was nostalgia stirring up memories of the bad old days when police officers guarded the ladies as they walked their children and dogs on the paths between the well-kept lawns and flowerbeds?
“I’m not being judgmental,” one woman told the Times, but she no longer allows her young children to play in the park. “It’s not personal. It’s just not safe.”
Be judgmental? Be “personal”? Good grief no, never that! Not of the homeless, anyway. They might mug her, but you won’t hear her say that mugging is wrong. Only of the police it’s okay to be judgmental. And personal. Whatever they do they’re wrong – and she’ll dare to say so loud and clear. Caring about safety doesn’t have to involve the police.
One woman said she stopped walking her dog through the park because the catcalls are so humiliating and now her “emotions change every 30 seconds”.
Imagine it: compassion, loathing, compassion, disgust, compassion, contempt, compassion, revulsion, compassion, fury …
When one resident found a man passed out in the elevator of his apartment building, he tried calling a community activist but she did not pick up. He ended up calling a cop, who he then criticized for kicking the guy out, even though the cop offered to take the vagrant to a hospital.
After he was carjacked at gunpoint by two black teens, one Powderhorn Park resident called the police, an act he later came to regret.
“Been thinking more about it,” he told the Times. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”
The bottom line, though, is this:
The influx of outsiders has kept Ms. Albers awake at night. Though it is unlikely to happen, she has had visions of people from the tent camp forcing their way into her home. She imagines using a baseball bat to defend herself.
Not being able to call the police, as she has done for decades, has shaken her.
“I am afraid,” she said. “I know my neighbors are around, but I’m not feeling grounded in my city at all. Anything could happen.”
And she’s not the only one:
Angelina Roslik burst into tears, explaining that she had spent the past four years fleeing unstable housing conditions and was struggling more than she cared to admit with the chaos the camp had brought into the neighborhood.
Many in the neighborhood, who were already beleaguered from the financial stresses of the coronavirus, now say they are eager for the campers to move on to stable housing away from the park.
Nolte calls these residents a “group of lunatics”. They include, he says,”a woman who attended classes to challenge her own white privileges and came to see her decision to buy a home in the neighborhood as potentially preventing a person of color from doing so”.
A conscience on the rack!
But it seems that some in the group have been frightened into sanity, and with it the realization that “their lifelong political beliefs are a joke”.
What caused the fright? The market value of their houses has crashed. Predictably of course, but remember they are not capable of prediction.
How many Powderhorn Park residents saw their homes as their future? How many invested everything into their homes — not just the purchase, but renovations and landscaping? Look at how quickly that investment dropped to zero. Those homes are worthless now. No one’s going to purchase property in a neighborhood plagued with hundreds of homeless, where no one calls the cops, where the criminals now know they can pretty much get away with anything.
Sadly, everything Powderhorn Park is dealing with was predictable to anyone who knows anything about the real world.
What’s also predictable is how things are going to get worse. Someone’s going to get raped, someone’s going to get killed, someone’s going to suffer a home invasion…
The bottom line is people, even these idiots, will only stand for this for so long before they are either forced to flee, give up and get those police cruisers patrolling again, or are hurt themselves. …
Reality is reality. … Eventually, the reality becomes so dangerous, you have no choice but to acknowledge it.
Bluff yourself and others as you may, demand your ideal world as feelingly as you may, reality goes on forever accruing its consequences.
Reality makes no concessions, heeds no argument, has no compassion.
Seattle’s official policy of racial persecution 7
Tucker Carlson reports and condemns Seattle’s racial persecution – fast becoming the policy of Democratic government everywhere in America:
Censorship here and now 130
Facebook will not allow us to post this statement of fact quoted from The Religion of Peace with the link to that website’s comprehensive list of proofs of its truthfulness:
Given the recent interest in assessing historical characters by
their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad,
the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves.
Details in Islamic scripture here.
It is not difficult to guess why Facebook rejects it. Any criticism of Islam, any mention of something not in its favor, is now taboo in the social media, the mainstream media, articles, books, videos, films.
“Progressives”, the friends of Islam, overrule the First Amendment wherever they have the power to do it.
A huge victory for Islam against the still-fairly-free world.