He, my daughter 44
The forced sterilization of children by tyrannical Western governments continues:
Canadian father Robert Hoogland of Surrey, British Columbia, tells how the BC Supreme Court put his 14-year-old daughter on testosterone and forbade him to even speak of her as a female.
(Taken from The Participator. Hat-tip to its editor, our British associate, Chauncey Tinker.)
Vijētā Trump 25
Victorious Trump the Conqueror is going to India.
We took this delightful video from PowerLine.
It is ridiculous but highly complimentary to him:
Outrage 22
In July 2017 we reported and commented on the injustice of a Canadian Muslim named Omar Khadr, who went to Afghanistan, joined Al-Qaeda, fought against Canadian and US forces and killed a US soldier, being awarded $10.5 million in compensation for his imprisonment after he was captured. (See here and here.)
Our Facebook reader and commenter Mike Watson has now sent us this short video in which the Canadian military veteran Jeremy MacKenzie, who served in Afghanistan, expresses his outrage over the injustice. We applaud him for doing so.
The video was shot when Jeremy MacKenzie was being interviewed outside the venue where Omar Khadr was speaking in public in Halifax on February 10, 2020.
On YouTube: the most important liberty 30
Here is the video of Professor Simon Heffer delivering the Third Jillian Becker Annual Lecture on February 3, 2020. (For written extracts from the speech, see our post of a few days ago, The most important liberty.)
The subject of each lecture has to be concerned with the importance of individual freedom and/or the importance of the nation state as the only reliable protector of individual freedom.
Professor Heffer’s subject is freedom of speech.
The opening remarks are addressed to Simon Richards, CEO of The Freedom Association, under whose auspices the lectures are given. He is now retiring from the job which he has done superlatively well. Under his direction, The Freedom Association contributed substantially to the historic achievement of Brexit.
Rebelling against extinction 12
A founder of Extinction Rebellion, Gail Bradbrook, explains her beef.
She makes nothing clear to us.
Extinction Rebellion is a movement, started in 2018, of mostly middle-aged people, with what looks like a preponderance of women.
Information from Google:
Extinction Rebellion is a global environmental movement with the stated aim of using nonviolent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.
So it is one of those many organizations of passionate believers in man-made global warming.
Their protest demonstrations are dramatically staged, in spectacular costume, in public places:
The protestors are paid to demonstrate. From the Express:
Extinction Rebellion is paying its campaigners up to £400 a week to cause chaos on the streets of the UK, it has been revealed.
Recently they tried to stop London underground trains from taking people to work by climbing on top of the trains. They were pulled down by irate members of the public.
Who funds them?
They state that they are “transparent” about the sources of their money, which, they say, “is received from crowdfunding, major donors, NGOs and foundations”. But they do not name the major donors, NGOS and foundations.
Maybe we should see their more colorful, less obstreperous, costumed performances simply as entertainments, adding to the gaiety of nations?
The climate lies (2) 190
To follow the post The climate lies immediately below, here’s a video (issued September 20, 2019, when the “children’s climate strike” was on) demonstrating: there is no climate crisis; the claim that there is such a crisis is a scam; the motive behind the scam is to promote a Leftist political agenda world-wide:
Another day another laugh at the old Joe who would be President 322
Enjoy the clip. Extra words are not needed:
Joe Biden and mad King Ludwig of Bavaria 123
More than ever, we want Joe Biden to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the presidency.
Because his mind – never strong – is weakening rapidly into dementia. In any debate, Donald Trump would leave him in the dust.
Here Mark Steyn excels even himself commenting on Biden’s flights from reality:
Minding our own business 446
No, we do not have a duty to do something about “climate change” or any big social issue.
Here’s Jordan Peterson at his best.
If you can endure the questioner, hang on for Peterson’s final answer, which is short and perfect.