The Red Guards in America now 78

Paul Joseph Watson shows us the Red Guards at their work of humiliation, persecution, destruction and murder, in Mao’s China and Democrats’ America:


(Hat-tip to Jeanne Shockley)

Posted under China, communism, Leftism, Revolt, United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Monday, September 7, 2020

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The Democrat Riots 163

Democrats, and Democrats alone, started these riots and set the great cities on fire. 

We have felt the heat ourselves. The rioters started a fire to burn down the apartment building where one of our board members lives. He stood his ground, armed. The arsonists did not succeed. 

Daniel Greenfield writes at Front Page:

The riots were and are purely a Democrat product.

The Democrats chose to support Black Lives Matter and to coddle Antifa.

Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison had previously posed with a copy of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, touting it as “the book that strike [sic] fear in the heart of Trump”. Now Ellison has been tweeting conspiracy theories that blame the riots on “white supremecists” [sic]. But, the only white supremacists on the scene are Democrats. …


While his city burned, Mayor Jacob Frey, a Biden supporter, attacked President Trump, whining, “Weakness is refusing to take responsibility for your own actions, weakness is pointing your finger at someone else in a time of crisis.” That’s exactly what Frey and the Democrats have been doing in the face of the riots. Frey, a former community organizer, had repeatedly tweeted support for the Black Lives Matter racist hate group that is carrying out much of the violence. Instead of taking responsibility, Frey is blaming President Trump.

Chief Medaria Arradondo was handpicked by Frey’s predecessor as the city’s African-American police boss after the shooting of Justine Damond, an Australian woman reporting a crime, by Mohammed Noor, a Somali Muslim officer. Arradondo replaced Janee Harteau, the first female chief of the force.

Arradondo, like Harteau, came into office promising transformational change. …

This national nightmare came out of a deeply progressive city, under the administration of progressives, and happened under elected Democrat officials who embodied the progressive vision for America.

[The killing of] George Floyd and the resulting riots are entirely the work of their hands.

“Why is the man who killed George Floyd not in jail?” Mayor Frey demanded [meaning Officer Derek Chauvin]. “We cannot turn a blind eye, it is on us as leaders to see this for what it is and call it what it is.”

It’s an odd question for the mayor of the city to ask.

Senator Amy Klobuchar … served as the Hennepin County Attorney from 1998 through 2006. Officer Chauvin had been on the force since 1999 and was there for almost all of Klobuchar’s eight years on the job. Michael Freeman, Klobuchar’s successor … promised to focus on voting rights for felons, decriminalizing marijuana, and other pro-crime policies popular with progressives. …

Chauvin …  had a dozen conduct complaints filed against him, and was hit with a letter of reprimand … while Chief Janee Harteau built the most diverse [read non-white] team to head the Minneapolis Police . …

While the Minneapolis Police bosses were touting their progressive values to their DFL overlords, and Freeman was talking about criminal justice reform, and Klobuchar was prepping a presidential bid, Chauvin kept racking up complaints and no one was paying attention. …

Democrats had mismanaged the Minneapolis Police, the same way that they had mismanaged Minneapolis. Every time something happened, the leadership got a shakeup and became more diverse, but nothing meaningful was actually happening on the ground floor except new messaging. …

And now America is on fire and they’re blaming President Trump for “creating the atmosphere”.

Trump didn’t create the atmosphere in Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, or any other blue city. Generations of Democrat mayors fouled the civic air, tainted the cultural water, and … blame the riots on Republicans.

The Democrats created the atmosphere. They spilled the gasoline, lit the match, and are still too busy signaling their virtues and blaming Republicans, to do the hard work of putting out their own flames.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are their organizations. The Minneapolis city authorities and the police force bosses are also their people. The atmosphere was the undiluted work of the Democrats.

Since they have failed to establish a socialist tyranny over America, they will burn it instead.

John Nolte writes at Breitbart, with a gloriously mocking message to all the idiots in America who vote Democrat:

Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisville…

What do all those American cities have in common?

    1. They’re all run by Democrats, many for generations.
    2. They’ve all been looted and burned by left-wing Antifa terrorists and other anarchist groups over the past few nights.

That’s no coincidence.

What’s more, these riots are not America’s problem….

These riots are not President Trump’s problem…

Nope, these riots are wholly owned by the Democrat Party and the fools who continue to vote for them.

With Keith Ellison you get Antifa, and when you’re stupid enough to vote for a Louis Farrakhan-hugging, Antifa-embracing radical like Keith Ellison to be your attorney general, your state’s top law enforcement officer… Enjoy the bed you made.

You voted for Keith Ellison and now Antifa burnt down your job. Huh? How about that?

You vote for a Democrat Party that has led your city to ruin for decades and decades and decades, and now Antifa’s destroyed your neighborhood. Huh? How about that?

I’m not happy about these riots. Of course not. The feeling is more along the lines of overwhelming indifference with a side of TOLDJASO. I’m not proud of the TOLDJASO part, but I’m also not going to lie about it.

And when Antifa attacked CNNLOL’s headquarters in Atlanta, I was reminded of something CNN staffer Chris Cuomo once said about Antifa: “[F]ighting hate is right. And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

Power to the people!

… I’ve spent 16 years and countless hours on these here InterWebDotNets warning you about Democrats, so my conscience is now clean with the serenity of indifference

And we did tell you so… We did. For decades, we’ve been warning you about the increased radicalization of the Democrat Party, a radicalization that started right here and has not only openly embraced left-wing terrorists groups like Antifa, but has bred these monsters.

After all, what is Antifa if not the unholy spawn of a Democrat Party and its nihilistic, left-wing religion that preaches you into the spiritual void of loveless sex, massive tuition debt, hating America, despising free enterprise, smoking weed, and the sacrament of killing the unborn. By Democrat design, the marauders in Black Lives Matter and Antifa have no stake in America — their womyn studies degree ensures they have no job, no future, no family, and $150,000 in debt. Hell, why not riot?

To begin with, your pals in the left-wing media regularly encourage Antifa to riot in your city. Your pals in the left-wing media adore the terrorists who destroy your neighborhoods and livelihoods. Your pals in the left-wing media excuse and justify Antifa’s violence, and then write glowing profiles about them.

Antifa burns down your backyard and gets great press. So why not riot.

And of course Antifa and its unholy brethren of anarchist groups are going to target your Democrat-run city for a night of the ol’ ultra-violence…Where else are they going to riot? First off, monsters always seek to kill their creators. But there is also the reality of the logistics of the situation: Antifa knows Democrats are cucks who will allow them to riot. Antifa knows Democrat-run cities have gun control laws that ensure you remain defenseless. …

There are always two loaded firearms within reach of my bed. But that’s about preparation, not fear, and if Antifa (or anyone) is ever stupid enough to move their marauding to my neck of the woods, all they’re going to discover are alert dogs, security lights, and patriots who believe in the Second Amendment.

But Antifa knows that, which is why they don’t come here…

Antifa knows you’re stupid; Antifa knows you’re stupid enough to vote for the same Democrats who coddle them, who fund them, who aid and abet them by looking the other way. Antifa knows you’re stupid enough to vote for Democrats who disarm you so you cannot defend your family or business. …

Yes, a couple Republican-run cities saw some violent protests, but those are exceptions that prove a rule that ensured Antifa would burn dozens — dozens — of Democrat-run cities. It was inevitable, it was predictable, and you voted for it, and we toldjaso. …

I’m sorry there are riots in your neighborhood, I really am. And I’m sorry there will be more.

And I’m sorry you’re stupid, I really am.

But you get what you vote for, and you voted for this

Sharia is Islam, Islam is sharia 177

In the course of a CNN interview between Chris Cuomo and Pamela Geller, about her being targeted for beheading because she promoted the drawing of cartoons of Muhammad, this exchange took place:

Pamela Geller: Drawing a cartoon warrants chopping my head off? … I just don’t understand this. They’re going to come for you, too, Chris. They’re coming for everybody and the media should be standing with me. Where are the mainstream Muslims teaching in the mosques against the blasphemy laws, against Islamic law, the Sharia, the jihadist doctrine?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: Sharia is not mainstream Muslim thought.

Andrew G. Bostom quotes this “breathtakingly ignorant falsehood” uttered by the TV host with “supreme confidence” and writes at PJ Media:

Mr. Cuomo and other media figures across the political spectrum would do well — before issuing such embarrassing, factually challenged pontifications — to study the serious work of Joseph Schacht (d. 1969), who was the most authoritative modern Western Islamic legal scholar.

The sharia, or “clear path to be followed,” as Schacht demonstrated, is the “canon law of Islam,” which “denotes all the individual prescriptions composing it.”

Schacht traced the use of the term “sharia” to Koranic verses such as 45:18, 42:13, 42:21, and 5:48, noting an “old definition” of the sharia by the seminal Koranic commentator and early Muslim historian Tabari (d. 923) as comprisingthe law of inheritance, various commandments and prohibitions, and the so-called hadd punishments.

These latter draconian punishments, defined by the Muslim prophet Muhammad either in the Koran or in the hadith (the canonical collections of Muhammad’s deeds and pronouncements), included:

(Lethal) stoning for adultery; death for apostasy; death for highway robbery when accompanied by murder of the robbery victim; for simple highway robbery, the loss of hands and feet; for simple theft, cutting off of the right hand; for “fornication,” a hundred lashes; for drinking wine, eighty lashes.

As Schacht further noted, sharia ultimately evolved to become “understood [as] the totality of Allah’s commandments relating to the activities of man.”

The holistic sharia, he continues, is nothing less than Islam’s quintessence:

The Sharia is the most characteristic phenomenon of Islamic thought and forms the nucleus of Islam itself.

Schacht also delineated additional characteristics of the sharia which have created historically insurmountable obstacles to its reform:

Allah’s law is not to be penetrated by the intelligence . . . i.e., man has to accept it without criticism, with its apparent inconsistencies and its incomprehen­sible decrees, as wisdom into which it is impossible to inquire.

One must not look in it for causes in our sense, nor for principles; it is based on the will of Allah which is bound by no principles, therefore evasions are consid­ered as a permissible means put at one’s disposal by Allah himself.

Muslim law . . . has always been considered by its followers as some­thing elevated, high above human wisdom, and as a matter of fact human logic or system has little share in it. For this very reason, the Sharia is not “law” in the modern sense of the word, any more than it is on account of its subject matter.

It comprises without restriction, as an infallible doctrine of duties the whole of the religious, political, social, domestic and private life of those who profess Islam, and the activities of the tolerated members of other faiths so far as they may not be detrimental to Islam.

Most importantly, Schacht elucidated how sharia — via the uniquely Islamic institution of jihad war – regulated the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. These regulations make explicit the sacralized vulnerability of unvanquished non-Muslims to jihad depredations, and the permanent, deliberately humiliating legal inferiority for those who survive their jihad conquest, and incorporation into an Islamic polity governed by sharia.

Posted under Commentary, Islam, jihad, Muslims by Jillian Becker on Monday, June 15, 2015

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