A bold proposal for saving the human race 122

In the play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, the women of Athens refuse sexual encounters of any kind with the men. (To force them to end the war with Sparta, but that’s irrelevant to this article.)

It provides a precedent for our proposal.

We suggest that the time has come for heterosexual men to refuse sexual encounters of any kind with women.

The feminist movement has persuaded Western women – the most advantaged class of human being in all history – that they are victims of men. They advocate and practice spiteful action against them. Even to the point of ruining their reputations so severely, so completely, that the targeted men lose their livelihood, their families, their homes, their hopes (as in David Mamet’s play Oleanna).

The “womyn” declare that all men are rapists by nature, whether they rape or not. They deny a man due process if he is accused, fairly or unfairly, of a sexual advance of any kind from the mildest of compliments to rape.

Masculinity as such they routinely, platitudinously, label “toxic”.

So men in business are leaving office doors open when they have to deal with a woman in the same room. And they keep recording devices on for future defense against false accusation. They are becoming reluctant to employ women.

A male student will avoid sitting next to a female student in case – since he says nothing to her, takes pains not to touch her or offend her in any imaginable way  – he is accused of breathing too hard. That would bring him before the school tribunal, which would read the accusation to him, refuse to hear what he has to say about it, and immediately impose draconian punishment on him.

So a man hesitates to approach a woman. Decides against asking a woman to go out with him. Avoids telling a woman that he likes the way she looks, or speaks, or acts.

So men cannot woo women. Will not marry. Will not have children.

If men find a way to woo and wed, they live in fear of the marriage failing; because if it does, they will lose their property and income, and their children, to the disgruntled wife.

Clearly the time has come for men to give up.

To stop fighting the losing battle.

To break off sexual relations with the opposite sex.

Women will say they don’t care.

At first.

But they soon will.

Posted under Sex, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, December 9, 2018

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