California’s ACB 30

Update of yesterday’s post on the Anthropogenic Californian Burning (ACB), 6.00 am Pacific Time, Tuesday, November 13, 2018:

At least 44 people have been killed by the fires, 42 in the northern “Camp Fire” – the deadliest wildfire in Californian history. The number of deaths is expected to rise. Over 7,000 buildings had been burned down by Monday evening, most of them homes. Some 15,000 more structures are under threat of burning. Some 117,000 acres are burnt to ash. The “Woolsey Fire” and the “Hill Fire” are burning northwest of Los Angeles.

Could California be worse governed? In addition to the neglect which led to the fires, the devastations caused by the Democrats in power are everywhere visible in the major cities. They are the stinking sites of camps of the homeless, whose numbers grow daily – since they are enticed by handouts of tax-payers’ money. These tent slums stretch for miles along streets smeared with human feces and stained with urine. The local councils shelter  – give “sanctuary” to – foreign criminals who don’t get deported even if indicted for robbery, rape and murder. The terrorized citizens, for the dubious pleasure of living in these places, pay staggeringly high and ever rising property taxes. Despite which their water is rationed, their roads are potholed, their schools fail. The unrealistic ideologically-determined pensions of retired public servants build an ever increasing burden of debt.

And yet, US News reported yesterday: – Democrats have won two Republican-held California State Senate seats in the Central Valley, giving the party veto-proof supermajorities in both chambers of the Legislature.

The vast majority of those same terrorized over-taxed citizens who live with the stink of Leftist lunacy in their nostrils, go on voting for the Democrats who are ruining their state.

What is the socio-pathological explanation? Surely some unintelligible professor at Berkeley or UCLA knows the answer.

Posted under government, Leftism, United States by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, November 13, 2018

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