Schools for purple penguins 12

Oh, how the dimwits in charge of educating our children surpass themselves from time to time!

We cannot resist giving our readers this prize piece of idiocy in full. It’s a collector’s item.

From the National Review:

A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls”, and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls’, ‘you guys’, ‘ladies and gentlemen’,  and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a training document given to middle-school teachers at the Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

The document also warns against asking students to “line up as boys or girls”, and suggests asking them to line up by whether they prefer “skateboards or bikes/milk or juice/dogs or cats/summer or winter/talking or listening”.

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

No more “gendered spaces”?  Phew!

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages”. 

We  wonder what age the children are who thought all this up.  Could be over 40 and still not started on long division.

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither”. 

“Both” we have long ago come to terms with. It may not be common, but it’s no unknown. But “neither” we find a trifle puzzling.

Small children aren’t usually much bothered by gender differences anyway. But how will progressive teachers start corrupting their innocence with hard-core pornographic sex education – as is now compulsory in the public schools – without mention of gender?

Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong.

Get that? It is positively wrong to speak of “boys and girls”.  This is pretty extreme stuff by any measure!  Good grief – dictionaries will have to be purged. And all literature. Have they any idea of the size of the task they’re undertaking? And what will they do when grandpa and grandma  insist on using the forbidden terms?

What about names? Lists of unisex names will have to be drawn up for parents to choose from. (Prison terms for mothers and fathers who thought Rosemary was okay for all – ahem! – genders?)

As is necessary to the Leftist collectivist mind, all teachers and purple penguins are instructed to make sure everyone around them obeys the new rules.  Put them right when they stray!

“Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”

Obviously it will soon be compulsory for boys and girls – sorry, purple penguins who prefer skateboards to bikes or bikes to skateboards – to dress the same.

Whatever will they do about some purple penguins’ voices breaking at the age when they do?

Since children are not wanted much these days, perhaps many of the purple penguins could be persuaded to be surgically neutered in their tender years, so that all trace of difference is eliminated before the onset of puberty which brings such distressingly obvious gender differences.

If this policy is followed all the way, unisex humanity will be the last generation, the final achievement of civilization. All the young men gone, all the young girls gone, gone to purple ice-floes every one.

The teachers were also given a handout created by the Center for Gender Sanity, which explains to them that “Gender identity . . . can’t be observed or measured, only reported by the individual”, and an infographic callled “The Genderbred Person“, which was produced by

Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Genderbred … penguin.

Despite controversy, Lincoln Superintendent Steve Joel has declared that he is “happy” and “pleased” with the training documents.

“We don’t get involved with politics,” he told KLIN Radio’s Drive Time Lincoln radio show. “We don’t get involved with gender preferences. We’re educating all kids . . . and we can’t be judgmental,” he said.

What a splendid jackass it is!


(Hat-tip Robert Kantor)