Silly women and a snake 50

The South African government has announced that it will take away land owned by white farmers without compensating them for their loss.

Take from them what they legally own. Take all they have. Seize it. Steal it from them. Leave them and their families and dependents destitute.

And the British government, (wo)manned by incompetent women led by an incompetent woman, says that’s just fine.

Here’s one of the stupid women using her unearned power to do irreparable harm on a vast scale:

Breitbart London has seen a letter written by Harriet Baldwin MP, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), to Sir Paul Beresford MP, who enquired what the government’s stance on the policy [of expropriating land owned by white farmers without compensation] was on behalf of a concerned constituent.

“The British government understands the need for land reform in South Africa”, Baldwin asserted, adding that they “welcomed” promises from President Cyril Ramaphosa that “the process of land [re]distribution would be orderly within South African laws” and be carried out “without negatively affecting economic growth, agricultural production and food security”.

In a follow-up email to the constituent from the Africa Department (Central and Southern) of the FCO, also seen by Breitbart London and confirmed as “reflect[ing] Government policy on this issue” by the FCO newsdesk, the department confirms Theresa May is satisfied with having been told that “[the] process would be taken forward on a multi-party basis, through Parliament, and… within the bounds of the Constitution and carefully designed so as to avoid damaging food security or deterring investment”.

Oh, that’s okay then. The theft will be legal!

The theft will be legal?

Oh, and “carefully designed”. No damage to “food security” is likely to occur because of “careful design”. And don’t worry if you’re thinking of investing money in South Africa; these soothing words should keep you from feeling “deterred”.

That the ANC government intends to make the seizure of white-owned farms without the owners being compensated legal, through parliamentary fiat and constitutional amendments, says nothing about the justness of the policy, however — and while Ramaphosa might insist he can confiscate land without “deterring investment” the national currency took an immediate hit when the policy was announced.

Minister Baldwin and the FCO Africa Department also dismissed the constituent’s concerns that white farmers, who own a majority of land being put to use for agriculture in South Africa but only a little over a fifth of land overall, were being deliberately targeted in racist attacks.

Many white farmers, including British nationals, have been brutally attacked and sometimes murdered on their homesteads, often following a prolonged period of torture — indeed, by some measures farming in South Africa is the most dangerous occupation in the world outside an active war zone.

Only white farmers attacked. Attacked only by blacks.

But Baldwin and the FCO bureaucrats played down the phenomenon, claiming: “Attacks on farmers are generally opportunistic and on the whole not based on racial grounds.”

In the same way, you see, taking land from white owners and giving it gratis to black owners has nothing to do with race.

How stupid and gullible can even a British female Member of Parliament be?

… Many observers believe the result of the land expropriation without compensation policy the ANC is pursuing — allegedly in response to electoral pressure from Julius Malema’s black nationalist Economic Freedom Fighters party — will be an exodus of the country’s white minority, followed by a collapse in agricultural production and the wider economy.

As happened in Zimbabwe “when  Marxist kleptocrat Robert Mugabe seized white-owned farms … and allowed violent mobs to forcibly eject and often kill the former occupants”, so turning the “Breadbasket of Africa” into a barren wasteland of a country needing to import food while having no money to pay for it.  

Who is the Snake alluded to in our heading – in recollection of the song President Trump has recited more than once in his rally speeches? The Snake the silly women ruling Britain are clasping to their collective bosom?

The creature with a forked tongue? Its name is Cyril Ramaphosa. Or the Government of South Africa.