Security officers permitted to meet the big bad world 131

The Washington Post reports today that the Transportation Security Administration’s ban on websites where “controversial opinion” is expressed has been lifted. (See our post Parental guidance needed for security officers? July 6, 2010.)

Turns out we were right that They were out to protect their security officers from the mental corruption that comes, They think, from viewing violence and hearing opinions They consider wrong, like good parents protecting their little children.

TSA spokeswoman Lauren Gaches said the agency’s revised “acceptable use” policy for Internet access on the agency’s network was designed to block sites “that promote destructive behavior to one’s self or others.”

“After further review, TSA determined the ‘controversial opinion’ category may contain some sites that do not violate TSA’s policy and therefore has concluded that the category is no longer being considered for implementation,” she said in an e-mail to The Washington Times.

Before abandoning the guideline, agency officials said the policy changes were intended to address “evolving cyberthreats,” but did not explain exactly what was meant by “controversial opinions” and whether Internet sites with conservative or other politically oriented viewpoints would be targeted under the new guidelines.

Posted under Commentary, News, Progressivism, United States by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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