Islam can make us laugh 128

 … though not intentionally, of course. 

This from al-Aqsa TV on September 3, 2008, translated by MEMRI: 

Dr. Ahmad Al-Muzain: The Prophet Muhammad said that there is no need to wash off the urine of the male infant. Only the urine of the female infant should be washed. In the case of the urine of the male infant, it is enough to sprinkle water lightly over it. From this, the religious scholars have concluded that the urine of the male is less impure than the urine of the female. This gives rise to many questions: Why is there a distinction between the urine of the male and the female? What is the wisdom in this? Is this, as some Orientalists claim, discrimination against the female, even in infancy? God forbid that this is true.


In order to prove the wisdom behind this, scientists from an Iraqi university have conducted a unique experiment. Of course, this experiment was supervised by a professor from the International Commission on Scientific Signs in the Quran and the Sunna.


This experiment proved that a type of bacteria known as E. coli – and you can see a picture of this bacteria behind me… We found this type of bacteria in the urine culture of both male and female infants. What was strange, however, was that the urine of the male infant contained much fewer bacteria than that of the female.


This proves unequivocally that this is the true religion, and that this knowledge was conveyed to the Prophet by Allah.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, October 7, 2008

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Denmark fights back against Islam 68

 Good news! Danes are hitting back at racist Muslims who are trying to take over their country. They are hanging effigies of Muhammad from lampposts.

Read about it and see the PICTURES here.


Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Monday, July 21, 2008

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‘Destroy Islam’ 131

 ‘Islam is nothing but one man’s insanity,’ says this author, Ali Sina. It cannot be reformed, so ‘destroy it.’ 

Muhammad was ‘a narcissist, a misogynist, a pedophile, a lecher, a torturer, a mass murderer, a cult leader, an assassin, a terrorist, a mad man and a looter,’ he says, and he offers $50,000 to anyone who can prove him wrong.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Saturday, June 21, 2008

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