Nebraska welcomes totalitarian supremacists 141

Nebraska Democrats welcome Muslim “refugees” – some of them, opines this spokeswoman, “with skills”, such as those who have been “leaders of political parties” – with “comfort baskets”  that include voting registration forms.

Note 1: There is no Islamic political organization in any of the countries the Muslim “refugees” are coming from  – chiefly Syria and Iraq – that is not supremacist and totalitarian. There are no middle eastern Muslim political leaders who would allow women to be equal to men.

Note 2: US law does not permit an immigrant to vote until he/she has been in the US for 5 years and has then applied for, and been granted, citizenship.

This is pure “virtue-signaling”.

“We are such nice generous people,” is this woman’s message. “See how nice I am, how nice we Democrats are.”

They are not nice. They are either ill-informed and foolish, or deliberately subversive.

Posted under Iraq, Islam, Muslims, Syria, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, March 26, 2017

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