On sending a gang of corrupt criminals to the White House 26

Last night the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich said to the FOX Business Network’s Lou Dobbs (by far the best of all TV hosts) –

We have never in American history had the depth of corruption that we are seeing, and frankly you’ll notice that John Podesta, the leader of the Clinton campaign was having dinners with Justice Department officials while they were investigating Hillary.

He said that the Clinton email scandal has tarnished the FBI’s reputation.

[James] Comey is the first corrupt director we’ve seen in the sense that clearly the stuff that he knows is a lie. I clearly assume he was pressured by the Attorney General, who had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on an airplane the week they were going to investigate his wife.”

Gingrich predicts that Donald Trump will win the presidential election:

I believe in the end, Hillary loses. I don’t believe the American people are going to send someone to the White House who ought to be indicted and facing very severe penalties for what she has been doing.


Has the Director of the FBI, James Comey, been stung by the many and persistent accusations of his corruption?

He appears to be re-opening the case against Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Post reports today:

The FBI will investigate whether additional classified material is contained in emails sent using Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey informed congressional leaders Friday.

The announcement appears to restart the FBI’s probe of Clinton’s server, less than two weeks before the presidential election, an explosive development that could shape the campaign’s final days.

In a letter to congressional leaders, Comey said that the FBI had, in connection with an “unrelated case”, recently “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the Clinton investigation”.

Comey indicated that he had been briefed on the new material yesterday. “I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation,” he wrote.

Any chance, we wonder, that Comey will recommend Hillary’s prosecution, and Loretta Lynch’s corrupt Department of Justice accept that recommendation, and all before election day?

Hmmm ….

Posted under corruption, Crime, United States by Jillian Becker on Friday, October 28, 2016

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