Racial segregation and a coming race war? 91

Who are the racists now?

There is a growing segregationist movement in America. Black students at some universities are demanding separate living quarters. At Harvard, black students staged a token “blacks only” commencement ceremony. “Whiteness” is declared to be an ineradicable sin, making all whites morally, and so racially, inferior. (See here and here.)

It is reverse “apartheid”. That horrible policy of the South African white nationalist governing party was rightly condemned throughout the Western world. The idea that the races should be kept apart – and, in practice, that the “superior” white race would rule over the “inferior” black race –  was finally abandoned in 1994, when a black political party, the African National Congress, was democratically voted into power. The ideology of apartheid was considered discredited and destroyed, done and gone.

But now it is rising again. In America among black political activists. They preach that  races should be kept apart, the “superior” black race from the “inferior” white race – with the black race dominating.

“Black studies” are are no longer to exist alongside traditional university courses, but to supersede them. This is happening in Britain, and –  notably – also in South Africa, as well as in America.

The ideology of apartheid was immoral and remains immoral. An inversion of the power structure, having the black race dominate the white race, does not make it good.  

It is not only immoral, it is also extremely foolish of the proponents of black power over “whitey” to incite and stir up race conflict. They want blacks to occupy the commanding heights of power? Nothing is stopping them now. They want blacks to occupy those heights exclusively? For that they would have to win a war, probably a violent war.

Do any of those protesting against “white power and privilege” actually want violent race war?

The idea is a reminder of the late unlamented mass-murderer Charles Manson’s scenario of  “an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks’ treatment. Then the militant blacks would arise to finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks”. But the blacks would be “incapable of running the world”. Manson’s enormous “family” – he pictures it as consisting of many thousands – would then emerge from the underground shelter they had hidden in during the conflict, and take over the government. “One hundred forty-four thousand would be the membership of the Family when … it would emerge from ‘the bottomless pit’ to rule. ‘It would be our world then. There would be no one else, except for us and the black servants’.” *

Are there scenarios of race war in America that are any less absurd than Charles Manson’s?


*The quotations are fromWikipedia.

Posted under Race, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, November 26, 2017

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