What are women for? 133

If this post exaggerates, generalizes too much, fails to acknowledge exceptions, exhibits too much scorn and impatience, well – no wonder. It was written by a woman. 

She writes:  

A female professor of Women’s Whining, Suzanna Danuta Walters, wrote an opinion piece titled Why Can’t We Hate Men?  (No useful link – it’s in the Washington Post behind a paywall)

She doesn’t say who is stopping her hating men. And the publication of her piece does not support her implication that there is some hindrance or impediment in her own case.

And considering that most women in the world are heterosexual, put enormous effort into attracting mates, celebrate marriage with joy, and find their greatest happiness in their children of both sexes, that must be the stupidest question ever asked.

Here’s a part of her silly article – for which no self-respecting newspaper would pay her – in which she gives instructions to men:

Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy.

Good grief! Not only are American women in general the most pampered and privileged class of persons in all of time and space because of what “the Patriarchy” has achieved, invented, built and provided for them, but as a class they have made shockingly little contribution to the mechanisms which sustain them. For how many aeons did they sweep the floor with the same broom before a MAN gifted them the vacuum cleaner? For how many did they wash clothes and dishes by hand before MEN got machines to do those chores? Fetch water from rivers or hand-pumps before MEN got water flowing through pipes right into their kitchens and bathrooms? Light their houses with naked flame until MEN gave them gas and electricity?

Who protected them by fighting foreign enemies? Invented the rule of law and systems of impartial justice? Women would never even have thought of such a thing as impartial justice.

Women would never have conceived the idea of Freedom as a condition of life for everyone.

If men were to “step away from the power” we’d all be plunged into dirty, cold, dim, hungry misery faster than you could say “Prohibition was a rotten women’s idea that bred crime on an unprecedented scale”. The first thing American women did when they got the vote was bring in Prohibition.

Europe is now governed by women. Invading armies, plague, even Christianity could not totally destroy Europe, but the female Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Ministers of Defense, “High Representatives” of the EU, and above all Angela Merkel, are doing the demolition job rapidly and thoroughly.

Are women good for anything?

The great founder of Singapore, for 50 years the inspiring leader of the city-state, the free-market visionary who made his country the most prosperous in the world, Lee Kuan Yew, gives the answer to a young woman:

Posted under Sex, Videos by Jillian Becker on Friday, August 17, 2018

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