Honoring those who fought wars … while at war 188

On Veterans Day, 2017:

American patriots honor the veterans of many wars today, the anniversary of the day the First World War ended – November 11, 1918 – while at war.

America is at war with ISIS and the Taliban. The Islamic enemy.

Islam is the enemy because it is ideologically supremacist, totalitarian, homophobic, misogynist, anti-Semitic, murderous, and savagely cruel.

Of course no individual Muslim should be treated as an enemy unless he has shown himself to be one. No individual should ever be judged or treated according to some race, religion, sex, or class that he or she “belongs” to.

But Muslims who actively pursue the jihad, and will kill in the name of Islam, should not be admitted to America or any Western country.

Returning ISIS volunteers should be tried for treason.

As it is impossible to know which Muslim immigrant or refugee among many is intending to commit acts of terrorism in the pursuit of Islam’s perpetual jihad against all non-Muslims, it is plain good sense to disallow Muslim immigration for as long as the war goes on.

Posted under Islam, jihad, Muslims, United States, War by Jillian Becker on Saturday, November 11, 2017

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