The British government subsidizes jihad 434
Read here about the British government’s grant to a group that incites hatred of non-Muslims, praises beheadings (including that of Daniel Pearl), and promotes jihad.
More on Britain’s slow suicide 98
Read here how some prefer the words of Omar Bakri Mohammed to Shakespeare’s in British children’s education.
Mugabe’s atrocities 166
A woman’s hand and both feet are chopped off and she is burned alive. A six-year old boy is also burned to death.
Read about it here.
Let us await the universal outcry that is bound to follow, especially in the UN.
The UN cozies up with terrorists 201
Read here about the disgusting United Nations signing a treaty with an organization on its own terrorist list.
Obama and Communism 339
A pro-Stalin Communist is a strong influence on him in his formative years. Later he writes about this appreciatively. In his adulthood he associates with extreme-left radicals and unrepentant terrorists.
The mainstream media do not consider these facts to have any significance.
Read about it here.
The cocky ignorance of Obama 116
Read Thomas Sowell on this theme here.
Judging by the letter which Sowell quotes, and statements that the presidential candidate has made in his speeches, one gathers that Obama thinks soldiers should never have to come up against any unpleasantness like fighting and killing and being shot at. If they do, they should have instant access to that left-wing panacea, ‘counseling’.
We have commented earlier on his statement that an uncle of his was among the troops who liberated Auschwitz. Apparently he meant some other death camp. But in any case it wasn’t what happened in it that he was concerned about. He seemed to think what was really bad about the Nazi concentration camps was that American soldiers, after suffering the trauma of seeing what went on in them, never got counseling to deal with such a shock.
(By the way, I have known counsellors who received just two days of training – one weekend – before being sicked upon some hapless ‘clients’.)
The US military under a Commander-in-Chief of the Obama stamp would probably be reduced to a social service abroad, distributing goodie-bags to the Third World and entertaining our enemies. Troupes rather than troops.
The Canadian Inquisition 69
In Canada, free speech is less important than the sensitivities of Muslims, those sensitive souls who believe that beating wives, killing gays, forcing very young girls into marriage and murdering them if they rebel, cutting off the hands and feet of petty criminals, and waging jihad against all non-Muslims, is justice.
No one accused by the Canadian Inquisition has ever been acquitted.
Mark Steyn is one of its latest victims.
Read more here.
Why Obama? 235
Has there ever been a candidate for the presidency as unqualified to be elected as Barack Obama?
Since he is so completely unqualified, one is compelled to ask: ‘Why do so many people want him to be President?’
Is it because he is black?
I have a suspicion that for many people this is true.
In which case, they are plainly racist.
Do many Americans feel (one cannot say ‘think’) that if they vote for a black man to be President it will somehow prove to themselves that they are good people? Is their need to feel that they are good people a strong motivation in their political choices?
I have a suspicion that this too is true.
In which case, they are full of moral vanity and not good people at all.
If their votes do give Obama power, all the chickens of the Left will come home to roost: blame-America-first, affirmative action, political correctness, Leftism trumps any other political consideration …
They will pay a terrible price for their foolishness, but so will the rest of us in America and everywhere else on earth.
Israel: the defining moral issue of our time 128
Read here why Melanie Phillips thinks so.
We entirely agree with her.