Kids – rape, kill, exploit, torture, enslave, corrupt, mutilate but don’t dare to smack ’em 129

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child will apparently have full legal force in the US.

This means that American moms may not smack their kids or – O boy, will they be in for it!  

But  – liberals be assured – it does not forbid you to kill them if they’re born alive when you try to abort them.   

And it will not stop little boys in Africa being armed with Kalashnikovs and sent into battles to kill and be killed. It will not stop the seizure or purchase of children by African and Arab slave dealers. It will not stop children being held and exploited as slaves for labour and sex. It will not save little Muslim girls from having their genitals sawn off. It will not stop the ritual killing of children as human sacrifices by certain African and Far Eastern religious cults. It will not stop Hamas from using children as human shields. And it will not stop Islamic moms and dads having their children blow up in suicide bombings. 

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Saturday, May 2, 2009

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