It depends what you mean by ‘safety’ 99

We have nothing to say about sexual choices by adults among adults, but we loathe and protest the corruption and exploitation of children.

Obama has appointed a man who openly advocates the criminal sexual exploitation of children to a position in which he is responsible for their safety in schools.  Either Obama has a devilish sense of irony, so strong that to indulge it he’ll throw all morality to the winds, or else he thinks sexual predators, not children, need protection.

Erick Erickson writes at REDSTATE:

When I was a teenager, my friends and I joked about NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association.

Until I was in my twenties, I thought my friends had just made it up. Surely there was no such organization that campaigned to allow open sexual relations between boys and men — a concept that did not just involve statutory rape, but offended the profound decency of a moral public.

Sadly, NAMBLA is very real and today steps right out of the darkest pits of immoral human behavior and straight into the White House. Sean Hannity has been all over this story and we are just now coming to terms with how sick and demented the thinkings and associations of White House Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings are.

To be sure, the left wing Media Matters, which is run by former conservative turned homosexual activist and left-wing icon David Brock, is screaming from the rooftops that Sean Hannity is lying.

Hannity is not lying. Kevin Jennings is a profoundly sick and immoral human being — a proponent of statutory rape, an opponent of the Boy Scouts of America, and a zealous advocate of NAMBLA.

He is Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar.

He is a supporter of men who openly and vocally support pedophilia. … a man who believes … men and boys can have sexual relationships free of prudish moral people frowning. …

He even wrote the forward to a book called “Queering Elementary Education.” That’s right, Jennings wrote the forward to a book that, in its own description advocates the aggressive homosexual agenda among elementary school students. …

Americans of moral decency should be stunned to know the President of the United States would put in charge of “safe schools,” a man who encourages predatory relationships between young boys and grown men.

Barack Obama has done exactly that. Has he no shame?

No, no shame, so give  him another Nobel Prize!

Posted under Commentary, Ethics, government, United States by Jillian Becker on Friday, October 9, 2009

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