The trusted envoy 8

President Obama (O chilling words!) has appointed a Muslim lawyer named Rashad Hussain as US envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

To start with, it is questionable – to say the least – whether the US should be represented in the OIC. (President Bush was the first to send an envoy to it.) It is the organization which has been pressing for a United Nations resolution to ban criticism of Islam. That’s bad enough, but it has done much worse. To get some idea of the profound damage the OIC has already done to the Western World,  see our post Europe betrayed (February 11, 2010). If an envoy is to be appointed to it at all, he should at least be someone who holds America dearer than Islam, and would speak up for Western values in the enemy forum. Rashad Hussain does not fit that description.

So who is Rashad Hussain?

From Politico, by Josh Gerstein:

An Indian-American Muslim raised in Texas, Hussain is a deputy associate White House counsel who was also closely involved in shaping the major address the president delivered in Cairo last June, explaining Obama’s views to the Muslim world. In announcing Hussain’s appointment last week as the U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the president called Hussain “an accomplished lawyer and a close and trusted member of my White House staff.” Hussain traveled to Saudi Arabia and Qatar earlier this week with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Hussain’s allies have defended him against claims he is soft on terror by pointing to a think tank study he co-wrote arguing that U.S. policy should emphasize that terrorism is antithetical to the teachings of Islam.

It is depressing to think that there may still be people so ill-informed or credulous as to believe the outright lie that ‘terrorism is antithetical to the teachings of Islam’. What this defense by his allies really proves is not only that Hassain is indeed soft on terrorism, but also that he is an active propagandist for Islam and an assistant in its jihad.

Scott Johnson writes at Power Line:

Rashad Hussain is the deputy associate White House counsel who is Obama’s recently designated representative to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. We wrote about his appointment, noting his 2004 expression of support for convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian [who] was the North American head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Anyone who bothered to read al-Arian’s 2003 indictment would see that al-Arian was a long-time, active supporter of PIJ’s terrorist operations.

According to Hussain in 2004, al-Arian was the victim of “politically motivated persecutions.” Hussain also reportedly asserted that al-Arian was being “used politically to squash dissent.” Hussain denied recalling the quoted comments expressing support of al-Arian and the White House publicized Hussain’s denial. …

But he’s been caught out in this lie. Scott Johnson quotes from the POLITICO article we quote above:

[Hussain] changed course Friday – admitting he made sharply critical statements about a U.S. terror prosecution against a Muslim professor after initially saying he had no recollection of making such comments.

I made statements on that panel that I now recognize were ill-conceived or not well-formulated,” Hussain said, referring to a 2004 conference where he discussed the case.

Hussain’s reversal came after POLITICO obtained a recording of his presentation to a Muslim students’ conference in Chicago, where he can be heard portraying the government’s cases towards professor Sami Al-Arian, as well as other Muslim terrorism suspects, as “politically motivated persecutions.”

And Scott Johnson goes on to say:

“Ill-conceived or not well-formulated” is itself an interesting formulation. I would like to see a well-formulated expression of Hussain’s views on al-Arian. But why should anyone believe him now?

[T]hat a terrorist sympathizer is serving as a high-ranking White House official… says a lot about the Muslim outreach being conducted as an article of the higher wisdom by the Obama administration.

The White House cannot even now bring itself forthrightly to condemn Hussain: “The White House declined to say Friday whether the statements or the controversy affected Obama’s confidence in Hussain.” The administration prefers to wait and see what it can get away with. There is apparently no issue of principle between Hussain and Obama. …

The case of Rashad Hussain … is important .. . for what it reveals about the Obama administration.

Or for what it confirms about the Obama administration. Can anyone seriously doubt that Obama himself is deeply sympathetic to Islam? And anyone who knows anything about the ideology of Islam must be aware that that in itself is cause for … no, not just alarm, but dread.

Posted under Commentary, Islam, Law, Muslims, Terrorism, United States by Jillian Becker on Saturday, February 20, 2010

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