When is illegality illegal? 71

Here’s a snippet of news carrying the whiff and flavor of American bureaucracy in the Age of Obama.

An official whose business it is to enforce the law says he will not “necessarily” enforce it.

The Chicago Tribune reports:

John Morton, who heads U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said… the agency intends to increase scrutiny of employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

“If we’re going to bring about meaningful changes in behavior, you have to do that by focusing on the employer,” he said during a meeting with the Tribune editorial board. …

Echoing comments by President Barack Obama and others in the administration, Morton said that Arizona’s new law targeting illegal immigration is not “good government.” The law makes it a crime to be in the state illegally

Morton said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona officials.

What part of “illegal” does this law enforcement officer not understand?