Protest not permitted 88

The huge mosque to be built next to Ground Zero is intended to be an insult to the nation.

And that is what it is.

But a protest rally against it, planned for June 6,  is not to be permitted.

From Creeping Sharia:

The organizers of a massive June 6 rally opposing the Ground Zero mosque are not allowed to protest at their planned location in Zuccotti Park …

The anti-mosque rally was initially pitched as a gathering for 9/11 family members, and the city approved it several weeks ago.

But once it became clear that the event would be a protest against Cordoba House, a 13-story mosque and community center slated to rise near ground zero, the city withdrew the permit

Pamela Geller, executive director of Stop Islamization of America, said the protest would go forward as planned.

“We’ve cleared all the legal hurdles the city requires for a rally,” she said …

Based on the online response to the rally so far, it appears that hundreds, if not thousands, of people could be planning to attend the June 6 rally. …

Stop Islamization of America is helping potential attendees connect via its website. A post on carpooling has drawn 54 responses since Monday, with people planning to come from as far away as California, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri and Michigan.

Geller slammed the “insensitive” mosque plans at Community Board 1’s meeting Tuesday night.

“This mega mosque is going up on sacred ground,” she told the crowd of several hundred people. “This is an insult.” …

While the number of people who will turn up at the June 6 protest is hard to predict, hundreds of people are discussing it on Twitter, YouTube and other sites, and more than 85,000 people have joined a Facebook group opposing the mosque.

Creeping Sharia urges all those who can to go and protest despite the ban:

The dhimmitude and submission to Islam is pathetic. Not only is it beyond shameful how America fails to even attempt to prevent another 9/11 from happening but gives Muslims special protections while preventing Americans from even voicing their disgust at such treasonous behavior. Find a reason to get to the area June 6 – go.