Energy and employment 450

This video and the text are from The Foundry of the Heritage Foundation:

“The North Dakota Miracle.”

That’s what it’s been dubbed by many. The recent boom of the Bakken oil fields — made possible by a perfect storm of sensible state regulations, the often maligned fracking process, and the fact that most drilling is taking place on private lands — has produced a whirlwind of economic growth in a formerly sleepy corner of northwest North Dakota. …

During our short, 3-minute video, you will hear from the people themselves about the impact the boom has had on their families and their community. But the most striking takeaway for many who watch may well be the stark contrast between an electric local economy and the more familiar picture around the rest of the country still saddled with high unemployment and a sputtering economy. Dakota is only one of many states that is beginning to reap the economic benefits of fracking and other advances in drilling technology to harvest previously inaccessible oil deposits.

That is, of course, if the federal government does not disrupt the whole process.

Posted under Commentary, Economics, Energy, United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Thursday, February 14, 2013

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