Where dwell the wise? 10

This map, via the Washington Post, shows the distribution of the world’s atheists in 40 countries.

A 2012 poll by WIN/Gallup International – an international polling firm that is not associated with the D.C.-based Gallup group — asked more than 50,000 people in 40 countries whether they considered themselves “religious,” “not religious” or “convinced atheist.” Overall, the poll concluded that roughly 13 percent of global respondents identified as atheists, more than double the percentage in the U.S.

The most atheist nation is China, with 47 percent of  respondents self-described as atheist. Next comes Japan with 31%, and the Czech Republic about the same. France falls into the 20%-29% category; Germany and Australia 10%-19%; the US, Canada, Russia  – and Saudi Arabia [!] 5%-9%; India, Pakistan, South Africa, Nigeria, Peru under 5%.

WIN/Gallup notes that religiosity is highest among the poor and the less educated.

So chances are, the better off you are and the better informed you are, the more likely you’ll be to slough off religion.

Though not so much in the United States.

No surprise there.