Muslims butcher Muslims in Egypt 15

This video does not show clearly the atrocious event it is recording.

Perhaps it’s just as well that it doesn’t. No need to watch all 8 and a half minutes of it. We post it as another illustration of our theme: the suffering caused by religion.

A Sunni mob beats and stabs a Shia leader and his followers to death in Egypt:

Raymond Ibrahim reports at Front Page:

Now in Egypt, where Shias make roughly one percent of the nation, a Sunni mob reportedly numbering in the thousands … attacked the home of the spiritual father of Egypt’s Shia, Sheikh Hassan Shehata, killing him and four of his followers, and wounding dozens of other Shias that had congregated at his home. The mob descended on his residence last Sunday, savagely beating him and his followers with sticks, before setting his house on fire. …

[The video shows how ] the mob beats the men and drags Shehata’s bloodied body all over the street. According to the general manager of Hawamdia Hospital in Giza, where the Shia leader was taken after his beating, “when Sheikh Hassan Shehata arrived to the hospital, he appeared to be slaughtered from his neck, in addition to several injuries around his body … the rest of the bodies had several injuries as well as skull fractures.” Another report mentions “numerous puncture wounds and severe bruising.”

Eyewitnesses told Ahram newspaper that police stood by and did nothing to stop the attack — just as they invariably do when Egypt’s Christian Copts and their churches are attacked.

Posted under Arab States, Egypt, Islam, Muslims, Videos by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, July 2, 2013

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