Let the law makers make the laws 5

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) excoriates President Obama’s power overreach, and Democratic Congressmen who applaud him for it.

This is from Townhall, by Guy Benson:

The White House is arguing that the Constitution’s sacred separation of powers prevents Congress from seeking a legal remedy to reign in the president’s abuse of the constitutional separation of powers. This president has repeatedly and unilaterally altered, delayed and abandoned elements of the so-called “Affordable” Care Act, which was enacted by Congress and signed into law by Obama in 2010.

As liberal law professor Jonathan Turley has warned, the Obama administration’s sundry executive power grabs have been pervasive, impacting issues as far afield as immigration and presidential war powers. Here’s Gowdy upbraiding his Democratic colleagues for standing and cheering Obama’s State of the Union promise to bypass the people’s branch in pursuit of his ideological agenda.


Posted under government, Law, United States, Videos by Jillian Becker on Friday, March 14, 2014

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