Jihad in New York 21

Zale Thompson, a convert to Islam, yesterday tried to kill New York police officers with an axe.

While the group of four stood on a rain-wet Queens sidewalk, Thompson took his weapon out of a bag and rushed at them. He seriously wounded two. With one of his blows he chopped into the arm of Officer Joseph Meeker. With another he cracked the skull of Officer Kenneth Healey. Both victims are in hospital and expected to survive. Thompson was shot dead.

The New York Post calls Thompson a “psycho”, a “madman”. And it reports Police Commissioner William Bratton stating at a press conference –

There’s nothing we know at this time that would indicate that [Islamic terrorism] is the case.

It also reports:

Thompson’s Facebook page includes a passage from the Quran in Arabic script beseeching Allah’s guidance in finding “the straight path” and a black-and-white photograph of a black-scarved militant.

And he wrote on his Facebook page:

Helicopters, big military will be useless on their own soil. They will not be able to defeat our people if we use guerilla warfare. Attack their weak flanks.

The paper also mentions this:

Thompson is being investigated for broader terrorist connections, a law enforcement source said, adding, “There are suspected terror ties.”

So why does a fairly sensible newspaper call this obvious Muslim jihadi a madman, as if to exonerate Islam?

In our opinion, it is insanity to believe the absurdities every religion teaches. We think belief is for the most part a quirk in the minds of otherwise rational beings.

But if this Muslim, Zale Thompson, is to be considered mad because he carries out his duty, as prescribed by Islam, to kill non-Muslims, then all jihadis everywhere are madmen. There are no exceptions.

Their lunacy cannot, however, be regarded as an extenuating condition. Deranged or not, they are a threat to non-Muslims anywhere, to the Western world as a whole, and the United States in particular.

Contrary to President Obama’s assertion that “we will never be at war with Islam”, Islam is at war with us.

Is it not time we fought back?