The savior cometh … and cometh … 26

Here’s the Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s head of state, droning on about the return of the Mahdi, the 12th Imam, who went into “occultation” when he was four years old, and will return any day now to lead the Shi’a Muslims in the world’s final war which will make them victorious over all the peoples of the earth. In fact, he says, the Mahdi is already among them. Many have seen him without realizing who he is. But soon he will make himself known – and then all the rest of us will meet our doom.

It’s a glimpse into a very dark mentality. Into many dark mentalities. His audience chant set responses with devotion and utter conviction.

Like climate alarmists, they’ll go on believing the prediction no matter how many aeons pass in which it fails to come true.

Nothing will change their minds. Holy war it must be, waged now to prepare for the Mahdi suddenly appearing and taking the lead.

Our suggestion: skip a lot of it. Watch and listen at well-spaced intervals. It’s easy to get the gist without enduring it all.

Posted under Iran, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Videos, War by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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