Fired up 35

Sarah Palin is a shrewd politician. She foresaw the death panels – for which she was (as so often) viciously mocked by the Left. Now we have death panels – or, if you prefer, health care rationing. A life-saving drug might not be offered to you under Obamacare. But you must not call the people who decide that for you a panel. And although you will die for lack of the drug, the deciders most emphatically may not be called a death panel. Yet that is what they are.

Of course, Sarah Palin’s religion is nutty. But then, whose isn’t? We don’t see that the beliefs taught by the Wasilla Assembly of God are any more insane than those taught by any other church.

At present she is supporting Donald Trump’s bid for the White House, and has said she would like to be in his cabinet to head the Department of Energy – in order to get rid of it. Good idea!

Neither she nor Trump is a political philosopher. Is that a drawback to governing well?

Sarah Palin writes:

Mr. Trump should know he’s doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press! There is no denying Donald J. Trump’s accomplishments and drive to create opportunity for every willing American to succeed. His own success is testament to the job-creating achievements made possible when one applies the courageous and tenacious pro-private sector precepts we need to fire up the economy. Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements. This, in contrast with the pro-big government party’s practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate.

Key to conservative’s victory is to do our own vetting of each candidate, focus on their ability to unleash America’s entrepreneurial spirit and dramatically shrink government in order to prioritize our nation’s security. That means we ignore the media’s participation in the liberals’ Pantsuit Politics of Personal Destruction. THEN, on an even playing field, in 2016 we charge forward after the radical left hears America shout, “You’re fired!”

– Sarah Palin

We would like to know readers’ views on the abolition of the Department of Energy, and whether ‘The Donald” is the president America needs now.

Posted under Commentary, United States by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, September 8, 2015

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