The spinner of tragic destiny 73

Almost incredible but true – a trained inventor of fictions lurks in the White House, spinning tall tales that have catastrophically affected millions, destroyed the lives of tens of thousands, and set the course of history towards disaster and despair. 

The name he goes by is Ben Rhodes.

He is an incarnation – with a sex change –  of Clotho, the Spinner of destiny among the Three Fates in Greek mythology.

He is grim. He is the slickest and most poker-faced of liars. He is one of the most sinister operators in Obama’s sinister White House.

Investor’s Business Daily reports and comments:

Despite terrorism risks, the White House has doubled down to admit Syrian refugees to the U.S., with Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes assuring us of “robust vetting procedures”. It’s not his first fiction.

The hard facts are as follows: FBI director James Comey has soberly warned there are no means for vetting potential terrorists among the 10,000 Syrian refugees being admitted to the U.S.

This is urgent because Islamic State warns it has seeded Syria’s refugees with terrorists, and in Paris last week the terrorists showed they meant it.

This means nothing to the deputy national security advisor for strategic communications and speechwriting, who characterizes the refugees as just “women and children”.

It’s not the first time that Rhodes has cooked up fiction. A literary hipster with a master’s in fiction from New York University, Rhodes has plied his creative writing skills in the Obama administration to fawning press reports. …

In 2012, Rhodes coordinated the infamous talking points that blamed the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack on a mob response to a YouTube clip. The dishonest claims followed Rhodes’ own policy advice for the administration to overthrow the Gadhafi regime.

Rhodes also wrote President Obama’s infamous 2009 Cairo “apology” speech to the Islamic world. It led to a perception of weakness and the violent Arab Spring — with Rhodes advising Obama to withdraw support from longtime ally President Hosni Mubarak.

Rhodes also was an early proponent of rapprochement with Iran and launched the White House’s #TheIranDeal Twitter propaganda site.

He’s spread the false line on his Twitter site that Russia isn’t bombing Islamic State targets. The hard fact remains that Russia lost a jetliner to an ISIS terror attack on Oct. 31. But Russia would refrain from bombing it?

Now Rhodes would have us believe — without a scintilla of evidence in favor and much to contradict it — that the U.S. is vetting the Syrian refugees it’s letting in.

Here’s a photo of the man. He appears from time to time in the media. (We don’t know if this is his real face or a mask.)


To find out more about him – and confirm that both our own and the IBD account of what he does, and with what dire consequences, is accurate – go to Discover the Networks here.

A quotation from that source:

Ben can always make policy through the speeches and statements made by President Obama.

Posted under Commentary, corruption, government, Islam, jihad, United States by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, November 18, 2015

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