So Hillary worked for the Kremlin 201

Yes. The Kremlin does have Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Mark Tapson reports at Truth Revolt:

A “war of words” reportedly has broken out between the Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko over the issue of releasing tens of thousands of top secret and classified emails obtained by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) from Hillary Clinton’s private but unsecured computer.

The European Union Times reports that, according to a Security Council report circulating in the Kremlin, in 2011 SVR intelligence analysts began “serious/concerning” monitoring of a Romanian computer hacker named Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer) after he attempted to break into the computer system of the Federation-funded RT television network.

The [Russian] analysts followed Guccifer’s activities as he broke into Hillary’s private computer – allowing the SVR to copy tens of thousands of top secret and classified emails.

Chairwoman Matviyenko then personally authorized a “partial/limited” release of them to RT [Russia Today, a government-funded television network], which published an article about them on 20 March 2013 titled “Hillary Clinton’s ‘hacked’ Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE,” although this went unreported in the Western mainstream media until January 2016 when Vice News published their article called “Libyan Oil, Gold, and Qaddafi: The Strange Email Sidney Blumenthal Sent Hillary Clinton In 2011—and that confirmed our 1 August 2014 report about what really caused Secretary Clinton to order the destruction of Libya.”

FSB director Bortnikov was “highly furious” with Matviyenko over her release authorization due to his concern that the Americans would discover the original source of the hacking, which they did by aiding the Romanian government in their investigation of Guccifer and his arrest in January 2014. He was convicted of computer hacking and sentenced to 7 years in a Romanian prison.

In March of this year, the report claims that Matviyenko “hinted/suggested” to her “peers/comrades” that due to President Putin’s favorable “opinion/thoughts” about presidential candidate Donald Trump, the Security Council should considering releasing all of Hillary’s top secret and classified emails to help Trump in the presidential contest against the “hated/repugnant” Hillary.

Trump has said that he could “get along with Putin”. That cannot be a bad thing for international relations. To regard  Putin’s respect – which we suspect and hope contains an element of fear –  as a mark against Trump, would be a mistake.

Within days, the Obama administration moved Guccifer from Romania to the U.S. where he awaits either a trial or deal to tell what he knows – the facts of which were concealed from the American people by NBC News, according to the report.

The European Union Times notes that the U.S. then

launched a disinformation counterattack against the [Russian] Federation by their releasing, on 15 April, of CIA intelligence doctored documents, referred to as the Panama Papers, casting unfounded, and undocumented, allegations against many Federation business people and politicians that the FSB describes as an “overt/notice now” warning to the Kremlin that should Secretary Clinton’s top secret and classified emails be released more damage to Russian peoples could be done.

So we’re already getting a glimpse of how smoothly relations with Russia will go if the “hated/repugnant” Hillary, whose lies and incompetence about her unsecured emails created this mess, becomes President.

America forbid!

Posted under Russia, Treason, United States by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 12, 2016

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