Choosing corruption 196

The Democratic Part is the party of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, and corruption.

Appalling people run it.

Michelle Malkin writes at Townhall:

The Loathsome Cowboy rides again.

Ken Salazar, President Obama’s disgraced ex-interior secretary and former U.S. senator from Colorado, was named Hillary Clinton’s White House transition chair on Monday.

The pick confirms that a Clinton presidency would not only be Barack Obama’s third term ideologically, but also culturally. As in the Democratic culture of corruption.

Ken Salazar is a thug. Before stepping down as Obama’s interior secretary in 2013 “to spend time with family”, Salazar threatened violence against a local Colorado Springs Gazette reporter who had the audacity to challenge one of the ten-gallon hat-wearing bureaucrat’s cronyism-tainted deals.

At issue: How rancher and reported Salazar business associate Tom Davis profited handsomely from the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. Not long after Salazar took office, Davis paid $10 each for more than 1,700 federally protected horses who roamed on public lands. He then turned around and sold them for slaughter near the Mexican border for $154,000, despite signing a contract prohibiting him from doing so.

When Gazette reporter David Phillips (now at The New York Times) asked about the controversy at an Obama election night event in November 2012, Salazar snapped:

“You know what, never do that. This is a — this is the Obama — You know what, if you do that to me again, I’m going to punch you out. OK? Don’t ever, ever, from the Gazette or anybody else do that to me again. Set me up. You know?”

Caught on tape by Philipps and another witness, Knuckles Salazar issued an “apology”. But neither he nor Davis, who said he had previously hauled cattle for Salazar for years, ever answered for their actions. An Inspector General determined Salazar’s department “failed to follow its own policy of limiting horse sales and ensuring that the horses sold went to good homes and were not slaughtered”.  No penalties, no prosecution, no nothing.

Ken Salazar is a liar. He trampled the rule of law, defied court orders, and doctored scientific conclusions in the name of environmental protection. Have you forgotten? After the BP oil spill in 2010, the Obama White House imposed a radical six-month moratorium on America’s entire deepwater drilling industry. The sweeping ban — inserted into a technical safety document in the middle of the night by Obama’s green extremists — cost an estimated 19,000 jobs and $1.1 billion in lost wages.

The order was supposedly based on recommendations from an expert oil spill panel. But that panel’s own members (along with the federal judiciary) called out Obama’s environmental team for misleading the public about the scientific evidence … Salazar and eco czar Carol Browner oversaw the false rewriting of the drilling ban report to completely misrepresent the Obama-appointed panel’s own overwhelming scientific objections to the job-killing edict. 

Federal judge Martin Feldman in Louisiana blasted the Interior Department for defying his May 2010 order to lift its fraudulent ban on offshore oil and gas drilling in the Gulf. Feldman singled out the Salazar-run agency’s culture of contempt and serial “determined disregard” for the law.

“Much to the government’s discomfort and this Court’s uneasiness,” Feldman wrote, Salazar’s doctored report was “misleading” and the experts who wrote it called it a “‘misrepresentation’.  It was factually incorrect.” Once again, Salazar evaded accountability despite continued obstruction and repeated refusal to cooperate with nearly 50 public records requests from Congress regarding his post-BP spill decisions.

Ken Salazar hates American consumers and workers. He infamously told the Senate in 2008 that he would refuse emergency drilling requests in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge even if gas prices reached $10 a gallon. He arbitrarily pulled nearly 100 oil leases in Utah – costing the state thousands of jobs – based on bogus eco-claims that were refuted by the Interior Department’s own inspector general. Offshore and onshore, Salazar waged war relentlessly on the energy sector and the American West.

Ken Salazar is a job-killing, truth-sabotaging, law-skirting, media-bullying corruptocrat who just won’t let go of power.

In other words: a perfect headhunter for America’s Evita Peron.

Hillary Clinton has also been called America’s Angela Merkel – notably by Donald Trump – because like the German Chancellor, she wants to import millions of Muslims from the Middle East.

But we think that of all infamous women, Hillary Clinton most resembles Winnie Mandela. She became untouchable by the law because she was the wife of a powerful politician – and has gotten away with murder.

According to many polls at this moment, most voters want Hillary Clinton to be president.

Most voters, then, are choosing corruption.

The Clintons are powerful. They are above the law. In cahoots with Obama and his gang, they have corrupted the US State Department, the US Department of Justice, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

And it doesn’t stop there. Is there a government agency that has not been corrupted?

As we have touched on environmental protection, let’s look at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

We quote from Judicial Watch:

The senior Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official who scammed the agency out of nearly $1 million in pay without working, got service and salary awards throughout his lengthy career as a climate policy expert, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch.

His name is John Beale and he’s on the verge of completing a 32-month prison sentence for defrauding the government by claiming, while employed at the EPA, to be a “secret agent” for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and going on long vacations that he said were CIA missions.

While he committed the fraud the EPA regularly rewarded him with “Special Act or Service Awards” that included cash and time off … From 1991 through 1998 Beale received thousands of dollars in bonuses for his performance as well as a “Time Off Award” in 1998 … In 2001 he was rewarded yet again with a promotion to work at the White House as a “Senior Policy Advisor”. …

He was a senior level official who actually worked in the agency’s most powerful office, Air and Radiation (OAR), under President Obama’s current EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy.

OAR is feared by American companies because it develops polices and regulations associated with climate change air pollution that can impose huge costs to both consumers and businesses. McCarthy headed OAR from 2008 to 2013 when Beale was a high-ranking senior policy adviser, which means the EPA Administrator directly managed him at the time.

Beale also defrauded the agency by receiving unlawful reimbursements for upscale personal travel, claiming to be away working for the CIA for 2 ½ years while he collected EPA paychecks and continuing to collect his full government salary years after officially retiring from the agency.

A U.S. Senate investigation blasted McCarthy, his boss at the time at OAR, for not taking action for months after learning that Beale committed fraud. “On March 29, 2012, an OAR official raised concerns about Beale’s retirement when he informed McCarthy that Beale was still on payroll,” the Senate report states. “Despite being aware of the fact that one of her subordinates was collecting a paycheck without providing any work product, this arrangement continued for seven more months before McCarthy ever contacted Beale.” In December 2012, McCarthy met with Beale for the first time in nearly 15 months and he told her he was no longer planning to retire. Beale wasn’t reported to the EPA Inspector General for another two months and, though McCarthy had cause to fire him, she let him retire voluntarily with full benefits. Remember, this is the woman who runs the agency now.

On August 23, 2013, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed criminal charges against Beale and a year later he was convicted of fraud and stealing $900,000 from the government. He’s on the verge of completing a 32-month sentence in a federal prison in Cumberland, Maryland. The Senate investigation determined that his actions, not only disgraced the agency, but also raised questions about its management and oversight abilities. In fact, despite Beale’s decades-long history of fraud and deceit many of his EPA colleagues refuse to view him as a criminal and even submitted letters to the court requesting leniency during his sentencing. “These officials’ reaction to the scandal suggests that an individual can steal a million dollars from taxpayers and perpetrate a crime for nearly two decades, but still be considered — by some — as an environmental legend,” the Senate report states. 

Such people are apparently preferred by more than half the nation to a man who does not express himself with precision. And whose taste is considered vulgar. Indeed, what is mere corruption compared to such faults?