The paymaster of evil 19


Hillary Clinton is blaming other people – never herself! – for losing the presidential election; chiefly James Comey for informing Congress that certain of her emails were still under investigation, and Barack Obama for not stopping Comey from doing it.

Sure. Had that letter to Congress not been issued, Hillary Clinton, corrupt as she is, traitorous as she is, lying as she does, proposing policies guaranteed to harm America and make all Americans poorer, would have been elected by a landslide. Definitely. No doubt about it.

See the smile gone from poor Hillary’s face. She is crying. Aaah! – you gotta feel sorry for her, right?



One person she cannot blame is George Soros. He spent hundreds of millions on dirty tricks he was certain would get her elected.

J. Christian Adams writes at PJMedia:

Leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported.

The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.

These Soros-funded efforts moved through dozens of charities and involved the active compliance with civil rights groups, government officials, and purportedly non-partisan groups like the League of Women Voters.

The leaked documents also reveal deliberate and successful efforts to manipulate media coverage of election issues in mainstream media outlets like the The New York Times. Conservatives and Republicans have no opposing effort or source of funds that represents even a small fraction in opposition to level of the Soros-led manipulation contained in the leaked documents.

The documents reveal that the Soros campaign fueled litigation attacking election integrity measures, such as citizenship verification and voter ID. It funded long-term efforts to fundamentally transform election administration  … It propped up left-leaning media to attack reports of voter fraud, and conducted racially and ideologically targeted voter registration drives.

The racially targeted voter registration drives were executed at the same time Soros dollars were funding other public relations efforts to polarize racial minority groups by scaring them about the loss of voting rights and the dangers of police officers.

The Soros documents reveal hundreds of millions of dollars being poured into the effort to transform the legal and media environment touching on elections. One document … states: “George Soros has authorized U.S. Programs to propose a budget of $320 million over two years … ”

… Soros documents show that it funded efforts to attack the efforts of Tea Party organizations such as True the Vote to promote election integrity …

The funding documents name groups which received in excess of $500,000 each year from Soros. … Three of the largest recipients are engaged in litigation and strategic communications denying voter fraud and seeking to transform the rules of elections.

Soros money is moving away from pressing for “campaign finance reform” and speech regulations, and instead into election process areas.  …

Soros money fought voter ID everywhere.  The leaked documents state: “…  Not only was this field successful at blocking restrictive laws from being implemented in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin and South Carolina, but a strong coalition in Minnesota came from behind to achieve the first victory against photo ID on the ballot.”

Soros money was directed at the Advancement Project and Brennan Center to influence media coverage on election integrity issues and provide voter fraud denial propaganda.  Leaked funding documents state: “In a specific grant update, the U.S. Programs board-funded communications and messaging project was successfully led by the Brennan Center and the Advancement Project, and played an important role in the spike in media attention on voting rights this year. The groups developed affirmative voting rights messages and shared them widely in and beyond the field. The messages were used verbatim hundreds of times in sources ranging from The New York Times to the Philadelphia Inquirer, quickly and fully working their way into the media, national and local, and across social networking sites.”  Verbatim. …

Soros money is funding some of the loudest voices who deny that voter fraud is a serious problem. These voices have produced poorly researched studies that are routinely cited by mainstream media to argue that voter fraud is a myth.  Among the groups are the Brennan Center for Justice and the Advancement Project, two organizations that have opposed election integrity laws and have sought to stop the efforts of states to ensure that only citizens are voting.  Soros grants also went to “New America Media,” which describes itself as “a nationwide association of 3,000 ethnic media organizations representing the development of a more inclusive journalism.”  This mix of funding for media efforts with non-profit organizations that oppose election integrity was branded as “Broad and Equitable Access to the Ballot” in Soros funding documents. …

Soros-funded groups even swoop in after ligation to push narratives to voters about the results of Soros-funded litigation. One leaked document shows $158,000 was spent on this activity in Texas alone …

Soros money specifically targeted voter mobilization efforts of racial minority groups that exhibit racially polarized voting patterns and can be counted on to support Democrats.  For example, the “Democracy and Power Fund” was established to “inspire the participation of people of color, immigrants, young people, and low income people  . . . . The fund invests in multi-issue advocacy, organizing and voter participation organizations that work at the federal, state and local level to expand access to democracy and build power for lasting social justice and systemic change.”  This distinct effort from all of the other Soros activities involved over $15,000,000 in just the three-year period from 2010-2012.

Other documents reveal extensive funding streams to tilt process rules involving elections.  …  The “Democracy and Power Fund” funded efforts to “increase participation in the 2010 U.S. Census, a key effort to ensure that OSI communities of interest – immigrants, incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, low-income people, and people of color – will not be undercounted. … ” The project’s messaging worked its way into national and local media. A complementary $200,000 grant to New America Media, a multi-media content producer and aggregator for ethnic media, extended this work to thousands of local ethnic media outlets. “The public opinion and communications efforts influenced registration and get out the vote efforts, ballot initiative outcomes, and this fall’s string of court victories for voting rights.” …

Prior to the 2012 election, Soros organizations also planned to move millions to a swarm of downstream groups to fund organizing and political activities.  …

Soros money is also behind the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Education Fund.  $300,000 in Soros money went to “mobilizing the Latino community to engage in civic life, and promoting policies that advance Latino civic engagement”; $500,000 went to the National Council of La Raza and Democracia USA to conduct “nonpartisan voter registration and voter education in latino communities”; $200,000 went to the Center for Civic Policy to engage “ordinary people in the policy debates that affect their daily lives through increasing voter turnout; educating and mobilizing the public on issues; and training new leaders for civic life.” …

Soros money is fueling the effort to reassert federal control over state elections by passing amendments to the Voting Rights Act. …

We have omitted much of the very long article. Read it all here, see how much this man spent on his personal plot to wreck the American democratic process and get the corrupt and criminal Hillary Clinton into the presidency.

All wasted, George. Aw, shucks!

Anyway. He hasn’t been deterred by his failure to get his pick into the presidency. He’s not giving up. Not he! He’s now paying thousands of thugs to march through cities all across America, assaulting Trump voters and police, throwing Molotov cocktails, starting fires, to protest the election of Donald Trump. Does he really believe that the protests will reverse the result?

As soon as there are new heads of the FBI and the Department of Justice appointed by President Trump to replace the present corrupt Obama appointees, George Soros will – surely? – be arrested and sent to prison for inciting riot and whatever else he deserves to be charged with.

Then we can feel ever so sorry for him too.