The birthday of the invincible sun 76

Dies natalis solis invicti  – the birthday of the invincible sun – was celebrated by the Romans on December 25, a few days after the winter solstice. In 336 C.E., five months before the death of Constantine the first Christian emperor of Rome, the “birth of Christ” was declared by the governing elite to have occurred on that date. It was an arbitrary choice, probably made in order to attach a Christian significance to the mid-winter celebrations.

Unlike many killjoy atheists on the Left, we enjoy Christmas, the jolliest annual festival of the West.

What’s not to like about feasting, carousing, being in good company on a day off from the daily round?

Happiness is in the air. More so than ever for us this year because our side won the 2016 elections.

Associations with Christianity and the birth of its Christ are ineluctable, but need be no more of an annoyance to atheists than that Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are named after pagan gods. This  year Christmas Day falls on the day of the week named for the Sun.

And so, on this Christmas Eve, we wish all our readers, commenters, visitors, and critics


Posted under Miscellaneous by Jillian Becker on Saturday, December 24, 2016

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