Our revolution will not be televised 16

About Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American; seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”

Marcus is Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee PAC. It’s mission is to elect conservative candidates across America.

Speaking and performing his original song, “American Tea Party Anthem”, Marcus has attended over 400 tea party rallies on 12 national bus tours (Stop Obama Tour, Tea Party Express Tours and the Defeat Obama Renew America Tour). A highlight was the Rally to Stop Obamacare in Washington DC attended by 1.7 million.

From Canada Free Press, by Lloyd Marcus:

Folks, take a deep breath. That unusual, faint sweet aroma in the air is called “freedom”. It is coming back, folks. For 8 years, even those who are politically clueless subconsciously felt their freedoms slipping away. …

Unarguably, President Obama set a you-had-better-keep-your-mouth-shut and go-along-with-political-correctness tone for America. We all knew and felt it. Obama used the IRS, DOJ and EPA to economically and politically beat the crap out of and even jail anyone with the cojones to oppose him leading the Left’s mission to fundamentally transform America.

This is the reason why the Left is losing their minds over Trump winning the presidency. Freedom folks! The Left thought they would have us in mental and emotional chains for at least four more years under President Hillary.

Trump’s election ushered in a new tone for America. Feeling emboldened, people are pushing back against the tyranny of political correctness by just saying, “no”. However, you will not hear this widely reported in the Leftist controlled mainstream media. Panicked, the Left is desperately and frantically working to keep us believing that their extreme ideas are mainstream majority opinions.

This is why for the next 4 years, half a dozen protesters showing up to oppose Trump or his policies will be treated like a major news event by the media. Relentlessly, the Left will sell us their lie that Americans hate Trump and what he is doing. Therefore, the Trump revolution will not be televised.

Meanwhile, Americans have begun restoring our country’s greatness.

Note the glaring disparity in the media coverage of these two January events in Washington DC. The Leftist Women’s March which celebrated vulgarity and depravity received widespread media praise and coverage. The largest March for Life rally in history received very little coverage. Our revolution will not be televised.

I bet few of you know that Americans boycotting Target for irresponsibly allowing burly men in restrooms with our moms, sisters, wives and daughters cost Target $10 billion.  Our revolution will not be televised.

I suspect a majority does not know Trump undid Obama’s ban, clearing the way for construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline and the Dakota access pipeline.  Can you say more jobs boys and girls?

Oh, I forgot that Leftist schools have decreed that teachers should no longer address students as “boys and girls” on the grounds that gender distinctions are hateful, derogatory, insensitive, intolerant, bigoted and mean. I’m confident that Americans tolerating such nonsense has come to an end. Our revolution will not be televised.

Succinctly, years ago I was invited to a screening of the documentary, “Waiting for Superman”  which exposed the corruption of our educational system. Unfortunately, with Leftists controlling the WH, the media and our schools, nothing changed. Our new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos said, “If a school is troubled, or unsafe, or not a good fit for a child…we should support a parent’s right to enroll their child in a high-quality alternative…”  Them’s fightin’ words to Leftists.

Note DeVos said the parent’s child rather than the federal government’s child. For years, Leftists have been allowed to confiscate our kids for indoctrination. This explains the Left’s intense efforts to criminalize home-schooling; arresting parents and seizing their kids. Meanwhile, the fake news media is despicably portraying DeVos as a religious nut. Our revolution will not be televised.

The internet is abuzz over singer Joy Villa courageously wearing a dress to the Grammy Awards that boldly read, “Make America Great Again”. As expected, Leftists have viciously trashed Villa calling her a hater. Leftists calling love for one’s country hate testifies to their perverse thinking. Meanwhile, Villa’s record sales have shot through the roof. Clearly, a large number of Americans agree with Villa.

President Trump has ushered in a new tone for America; a revolution of patriotism, pride and freedom. Do not expect to see this truth reflected in the media; quite the opposite.

Our revolution will not be televised.

Not only will our revolution not be televised, it is unlikely to be the subject of films in the near future. Hollywood – most of it –  was a mainstay of the overthrown Leftist tyranny, and will go on complaining about our revolution for a long time to come. For years, probably.

But  in time it will be so inarguably recognized that this is one of the biggest stories in history, that the books and the documentaries and the fiction films will be made – by hundreds, by thousands.

President Donald Trump at his news conference Thursday, February 16, 2017

It is as big a story as the Russian Communist Revolution of 1917. Occurring, as it does, in 2017, the two revolutions are the book-ends, as it were, of a century of tyranny.

In years to come there will be many who will say of this time what William Wordsworth said about the French Revolution – before it reverted to tyranny, which we can only hope will not happen again:

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive/ And to be young was very heaven.

Posted under liberty, revolution by Jillian Becker on Sunday, February 19, 2017

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